Modern Physics: page 3

Click here for Ms. Twu's Modern Physics Notes.

Photoelectric Effect Phet Simulation Worksheet (word)

Photoelectric Effect Phet Simulation Worksheet (pdf)

Modern Physics: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Discovery of electron, oil-drop exp., blackbody radiation, photon energy, photon momentum)

Modern Physics: page 2 (Videos 7 to 13: Photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair production & pair annihilation)

Modern Physics: page 3 (Videos 14 to 18: Wave-particle duality, Rutherford’s experiment)

Modern Physics: page 4 (Videos 19 to 24: Bohr model of the atom, photon-matter interactions)

Modern Physics: page 5 (Videos 25 to 29: X-ray production, fundamental forces, binding energy)

Modern Physics: page 6 (Videos 30 to 36: Radioactive Decay, fission, fusion, multiple-choice questions)

    • AP Physics 2: Modern Physics 14: Wave-Particle Duality & de Broglie Hypothesis
    • AP Physics 2: Modern Physics 15: Davisson-Germer Experiment
        • In 1937, Clinton Davisson and George Paget Thomson shared a Nobel Prize "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals". An interesting fact is that J. J. Thomson, the father of G. P. Thomson, is credited for the discovery of electrons and received a Nobel Prize in 1906 "in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases". He measured the electron’s charge to mass ratio showing that electrons are particles, while his son G. P. Thomson received a Nobel Prize for demonstrating that electrons can have wave properties.
    • AP Physics 2: Modern Physics 16: Principle of Complementarity
    • AP Physics 2: Modern 18: Rutherford’s Experiment & Planetary/Nuclear Model of Atom

Modern Physics: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Discovery of electron, oil-drop exp., blackbody radiation, photon energy, photon momentum)

Modern Physics: page 2 (Videos 7 to 13: Photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair production & pair annihilation)

Modern Physics: page 3 (Videos 14 to 18: Wave-particle duality, Rutherford’s experiment)

Modern Physics: page 4 (Videos 19 to 24: Bohr model of the atom, photon-matter interactions)

Modern Physics: page 5 (Videos 25 to 29: X-ray production, fundamental forces, binding energy)

Modern Physics: page 6 (Videos 30 to 36: Radioactive Decay, fission, fusion, multiple-choice questions)

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