AP 2: Waves and Sound
Waves and Sound: page 1 (Waves 1 to 8: Waves, periodic waves, reflection, refraction)
Waves and Sound: page 2 (Waves 9 to 13: Interference, resonance, standing wave)
Waves and Sound: page 3 (Waves 14 to 15: Diffraction, multiple-choice question & Sound 1 to 3: Speed of sound, organ pipes)
Waves and Sound: page 4 (Sound 4 to 8: Beats, Doppler effect, shock wave, multiple-choice questions)
AP Physics 2: Waves 1: Mechanical vs. EM, Transverse vs. Longitudinal
AP Physics 2: Waves 2: Periodic Wave and Wave Speed
Speed is the same for the same medium. Wavelength & Frequency: Different Frequencies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Iv4GmyXsCQ by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
AP Physics 2: Waves 3: Speed of Transverse Waves in a String
AP Physics 2: Waves 4: How Amplitude and Intensity Change as a Wave Propagates
AP Physics 2: Waves 5: Reflection 1-D and 2-D Waves
1-d with fixed end (hump switches side after reflection): Wave Reflection 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTWHxZ6Jvjs by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
1-d with free end (hump stays on the same side after reflection): Wave Reflection 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVCqq5AkePI by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
Ripple Tank Experiment 3: Reflection of Straight Wave by Straight Barrier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGdXNglXMS4
Water wave with different shapes of waves and different shapes of obstacles: Reflection of Waves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFckyHq594I by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
AP Physics 2: Waves 6: Refraction 1: 1-Dimensional Waves
The wave travels from the small wave machine to the large one. Because the speed is slower on the larger machine, the refracted wave becomes shorter. Because the wave is reflected off of the slower medium (large machine), the upward incident wave hump turns into a downward reflected wave hump. Wave pulse version: Wave Propogation at a Boundary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNmlNzrMF2k by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
Periodic wave version: Wavelength & Frequency: Different Media http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEjdCAKubCc by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
AP2 Waves 6.2: Refraction and Reflection Demonstrations: 1-D Waves
AP Physics2: Waves 7: Refraction 2: 2-Dimensional Waves and the Law of Refraction
This one also shows faint reflected wave (reflected off the interface). Refraction – Refracción http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stdi6XJX6gU
For this video, you may wish to slide the bar through the 4 minutes+ video to see the ripple tank demonstration with Illustration of the law of refraction: Refraction 2.wmv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_wHqgDkQww
This one shows refraction over variously-shaped region with shallow water. The yellow variously-shaped objects are flat disks placed in water to make water shallow. Please see: Refraction of Waves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BIc7Oonru0 by Saint Mary's University Physics & Astronomy in Canada
AP Physics 2: Waves 8: Refraction 3: Law of Refraction Problem
Waves and Sound: page 1 (Waves 1 to 8: Waves, periodic waves, reflection, refraction)
Waves and Sound: page 2 (Waves 9 to 13: Interference, resonance, standing wave)
Waves and Sound: page 3 (Waves 14 to 15: Diffraction, multiple-choice question & Sound 1 to 3: Speed of sound, organ pipes)
Waves and Sound: page 4 (Sound 4 to 8: Beats, Doppler effect, shock wave, multiple-choice questions)
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