Optics: page 4
Optics Lessons / Tutorials: Click here for Ms. Twu's Notes for spherical mirrors and thin lenses
Index of Refraction Lab (using semi-circular tray)
Ray Tracing Lab: Reflection and Refraction: Long Version
Ray Tracing Lab: Reflection and Refraction: Short Version
Thin Lenses Lab and Thin lenses Lab: explanation for Part II: Diverging Lens
Optics: page 1 (Optics 1 to 5: EM spectrum, reflection, refraction, dispersion, rainbow)
Optics: page 2 (Optics 6 to 10: Refraction, critical angle, total internal reflection)
Optics: page 3 (Optics 11 to 16: Concave and convex mirrors)
Optics: page 4 (Optics 17 to 24: Converging and diverging lenses, multiple-choice questions)
AP Physics 2: Optics 17: Thin Converging Lens
AP Physics 2: Optics 18: Thin Diverging Lens
AP Physics 2: Optics 19: Magnifying Lens Problem
AP Physics 2: Optics 20: Thin Lens Problem
AP Physics 2: Optics 21: Concave and Convex Spherical Mirrors: Ray Tracing Practice
AP Physics 2: Optics 22: Converging and Diverging Lenses: Ray Tracing Practice
AP Physics 2: Optics 23: Multiple Choice Questions 1
AP Physics 2: Optics 24: Multiple Choice Questions 2
Optics: page 1 (Optics 1 to 5: EM spectrum, reflection, refraction, dispersion, rainbow)
Optics: page 2 (Optics 6 to 10: Refraction, critical angle, total internal reflection)
Optics: page 3 (Optics 11 to 16: Concave and convex mirrors)
Optics: page 4 (Optics 17 to 24: Converging and diverging lenses, multiple-choice questions)
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