Registration Now Open!
Early bird $5 discount through April 30! Twilight Camp is our local Girl Scout Day Camp, hosted by the Girl Scout communities in Eastern Carver County, New Brighton, and surrounding areas. Camp will be Mon - Thu, July 21 - 24 at Lake Minnewashta Park in Chanhassen. Registration closes May 31st. Cookie Credits are accepted, see below for Financial Aid details.
The theme this year is "Twilight on a Stick" with activities based on the State Fair. Each day girls take part in outdoor activities, songs, swimming, learning, crafts, and games. Camp is 100% volunteer run, parents and caregivers are encouraged to volunteer for an afternoon.
Email with questions.
Daily Schedule
During a typical day at Twilight Camp girls arrive at the day camp and check in, then spend the day in one of the themed "Sites" (picnic shelters). We'll typically do several outdoor games, STEM activities, crafts, or woodcraft activities each day. She'll also go swimming and spend time together with other girls in her unit.
1:45 pm Check-In
2:00 pm Opening
2:15 pm Round-Robin Site Activities
7:00 pm Walk to Ceremony Circle
7:15 pm Closing Ceremonies
7:45 pm Camp Dismissed
She'll need a backpack with a bag lunch, good walking shoes, a water bottle, and to be ready for a great time!
What Happens at Twilight Camp?
Watch the slideshow below, narrated by Brownie Scout and Twilight Camp Veteran Abby, to see examples of the activities we did at past years in camp. (Abby is now a school teacher, which she attributes to her time attending Twilight Camp as a child.)
Email with questions.
Financial Assistance - Apply Before Registering
Confidential financial aid is available to help pay for camp. Apply online at Girl Scouts of River Valley's website before registering. It typically takes 3-5 days to get approved; we'll send you a coupon code to use when you register.
Click here to apply online at River Valley's web site.
Enter contact and caregiver information for your Girl Scout
Select Registration fee for a community/area or volunteer-led event or day camp
Enter the following:
Name of Event: Twilight Camp
Community/Area: Eastern Carver County
Location: Lake Minnewashta Park
Start Date and Time: 07-21-2025, 2:00 pmThe Twilight Camp Registration Fee is based on the grade your Girl Scout will be entering next fall and her experience as a Caddie. Enter the amount you can contribute, and the remainder you are asking for assistance with. The 2025 fees are:
$95 for Campers grades entering 1-6 next fall
$55 for new Assistant Caddies entering grade 7
$35 for Caddies entering grades 8-9 (with 1 week's experience already)
$20 for Senior Caddies entering grades 10-12The River Valleys council will contact you via email and cc Twilight Camp with approval status.
We'll email you a code to use when you register.
Twilight Camp serves Girl Scouts in Eastern Carver County, New Brighton, and surrounding areas in Minnesota.
Twilight Camp is 100% volunteer planned and run. Contact us if you are interested in volunteering at