14:40 - 16:10 on Mondays from April 2014 to March 2015

When: 14:40 - 16:10 on Mondays

Where: Room 206 at Lecture Building 1 (第1講義棟)

What to do: We study game theory through reading ``A Course in Microeconomic Theory'' by David Kreps (1990)

Who participates: Akihiro Hayashi (林 諒洋), Yoshimasa Katayama (片山 由将), Mamoru Kinoshita (木下 衛), Hirona Kimura (木村 紘奈), Ryo Sato (佐藤 亮), and Ryota Takekawa (竹川 遼太)

I provide below the tentative schedule of our weekly meeting. Of course, the schedule is always subject to change, as we go along.

Apr 14, 2014: Hayashi discusses Chapter 14.4: Implicit Collusion in Oligopoly.

Apr 21, 2014: Kimura discusses Chapter 14.5: Reputation.

Apr 28, 2014: Katayama discusses Chapter 14.6: Reputation Redux: Incomplete Information.

May 12, 2014: Hayashi discusses Chapter 15: Bilateral Bargaining from the beginning to 15.1: Simultaneous Offers and Indeterminacy to 15.2: Focal Equilibria.

May 26, 2017: Takekawa discusses Chapter 15.3: Rubinstein's Model.

Jun 2, 2014: Takekawa continues to discuss Chapter 15.3: Rubinstein's Model.

Jun 9, 2014: Takekawa continues to discuss Chapter 15.3: Rubinstein's Model.

Jun 16, 2014: Kinoshita discusses Chapter 15.4: The Experimental Evidence about Alternating Offers and Chapter 15.5: Models with Incomplete Information.

June 30, 2014: Kimura discusses Chapter 16: Moral Hazard and Incentives from the beginning to 16.1: Introduction to 16.2: Effort Incentives: A Simple Example.

July 7, 2014: Katayama discusses Chapter 16.3: Finitely Many actions and Outcomes up to ``Basic Results and Analysis.''

July 14, 2014: Hayashi, Kinoshita, and Takekawa present the proposal of their Bachelor thesis and we discuss these proposals together.

July 21, 2014: Kimura and Sato present the proposal of their Bachelor thesis and we discuss these proposals together.

Sep 29, 2014: The students give the first report on the progress of their thesis.

Oct 6, 2014: Cancelled due to Typhoon.

Oct 13, 2014: Kunimoto gives a lecture on static optimization.

Oct 20, 2014: Hayashi discusses Chapter 16.3: Finitely Many actions and Outcomes from ``The formulation: A special case.''

Nov 10, 2014: Hayashi starts from ``Basic Results and Analysis'' in Chapter 16.3: Finitely Many actions and Outcomes.

Nov 17, 2014: The students give the second report on the progress of their thesis.

Nov 24, 2014: Hayashi starts from ``The Formulation: A Special Case'' in Chapter 16.3: Finitely Many actions and Outcomes.

Dec 1, 2014: Kunimoto discusses Chapter 16.3: ``A Further Specialization: The Case of Two Outcomes'' and Hayashi discusses Chapter 16.4: ``Continuous Actions: The First-Order Approach.''

Dec 8, 2014: The students give the third report on the progress of their thesis.

Dec 15, 2014: Kunimoto discusses Chapter 16.5: Bibliographic Notes and Variations.

Dec 22, 2014: Kinoshita discusses Chapter 17: Adverse Selection and Market Signaling from 17.1 Akerlof's Model of Lemons to 17.2: Signaling Quality.

Jan 5, 2015: The students give the fourth report on the progress of their thesis.

Jan 19, 2015: The students give the final presentation of their thesis.

Jan 26, 2015: The students give the final presentation of their thesis.