Why this Site?

There is something new in the air, it is the world of education that is entering a new era, a new age. It is the new century and it is also technology that is changing our life. It is a new and digitalized world. And education needs to face the great changes and cope with the needs of students who are living in a complex world.

Where are we teaching now? What has changed? I am writing because it is up to me to know what went wrong in my classes and what I should be doing now because I want to create a better learning situation. So why writing this website ?

To reflect, to present ideas, to share ideas to learn more about the world of learning and the world of teaching and in particular ELF and teaching English. Because a teacher is more than a teacher and self-reflection is a must in teaching. This is my diary on line where I try to discuss about my job, I upload my activities and more.

Because learning happens when we are good teachers and if students are good learners.

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