Next Fixtures
Post date: Jun 23, 2017 9:2:32 PM
Thursday 7 September, afternoon at Bisley. Practice targets at 300 and 500 yards. Please let me or Mike Townsend know if you wish to shoot.
Saturday 7 October, afternoon at Bisley. LRRFC Autumn Meeting. 300 and 400 yards. Entry forms will be circulated shortly. Please note that the suggestion that this meeting might be moved to 14 October has NOT materialised owing to lack of capacity on Century range.
I should of course have included in the Next Fixtures list, the Turbutt meeting at Thorpe Cloud, which I think will be held on Sunday 24 September this year. I will confirm the date in due course, but meanwhile if you wish to enquire, please call the organiser, Alan Pidcock on 01629 820084. The course of fire is 5 + 10 at 200, 300 and 500 yards and there are beautiful silver trophies for each distance and the aggregate.
Kind regards,
Richard Kenchington,
Tel 0121 705 4927.