LRRF Season 2020
Post date: Dec 14, 2019 9:10:57 PM
(June dates onwards at Bisley – subject to NRA Range Office approval)
Sun 22 March 2020 (confirmed) - HBSA LRRF shoot at Bisley, 200 yds am and 300 yds pm. The entry document can be found on the HBSA website (Google “HBSA”). It will be open to MRSB and TRSB as usually defined, but also historic .22RF rifles. Make entries online on the HBSA website.
Sun 19 April (confirmed).
11.00 hrs. LRRFC AGM at the London & Middlesex RA clubhouse, Bisley Camp. Members please attend!
13.30 hrs. NRA Smallbore Long Range Match at Bisley. 200 and 300 yards, afternoon only. Keep an eye on the NRA website as the entry documents are not likely to be available until February.
Sat 16 May, afternoon (confirmed) – Practice targets at Bisley. 300 yards. Please let me know if you would like to take part.
June, to be advised – 3rd LRRFC Summer Meeting at Bisley, 300 and 400 yds, 15 shots at each distance. Entry forms will be emailed out in early April. The Committee is considering self-marking to speed up progress – which will also considerably reduce entry fees.
Sat 20 (?) June - Derbyshire RA are holding the fifth annual challenge match v LRRFC at Thorpe Cloud, Dovedale near Ashbourne, Derbys at 200, 300 & 500 yds. We will be looking to field a strong LRRFC team from the south. Please let me know if you are interested in joining the team.
July/Aug – nothing envisaged, NRA and NSRA Bisley Meetings plus holidays.
September, to be advised – Practice targets at Bisley. 400 (?) yards. Please let me know if you would like to take part.
Sun 27 September - Annual Turbutt Trophies meeting at Thorpe Cloud. 200, 300 & 500 yards for TRSB. Enquiries to Alan Pidcock, 01629 820084.
October, to be advised – 6th LRRFC Autumn Meeting at Bisley. 200 and 300 yds am, 300 and 400 yds pm, 15 shots at each distance. Entry forms will be emailed out during August.
R S Kenchington
Hon Secretary
December 2019.