Membership Renewal, AGM and 2021 Fixtures

Post date: Jan 03, 2021 8:1:32 PM

Dear LRRFC Member,


Membership Renewal, AGM and 2021 Fixtures


As we are now into 2021, the treasurer would be pleased to receive your renewal subscription of £10.  Could you please pay it, preferably by BACS, to the LRRFC account:  83-04-25 a/c 19219104 and advise me by email that you have paid.  Alternatively, please send me a cheque to 45 Park Avenue, Solihull  B91  3EJ.


The fixture list is yet to be compiled, but please note that the AGM will (DV) be held at Bisley at 11am on Sunday, 18 April, with the NRA Smallbore Long Range Match to follow in the afternoon.

Derbyshire RA have advised that the Challenge Match will take place at Thorpe Cloud on Saturday 5 June.  The Turbutt shoot, also at Thorpe, is scheduled for Sunday 26 September.  Unfortunately the NRA have not so far been able to confirm dates for either of our summer or autumn meetings, but once the range office is open again I will resume my submissions to them.

During the winter, an interesting silver trophy came up on eBay and the Committee kindly subscribed to purchase it for the TRSB Aggregate at the Summer Meeting.  It is a repousse Volunteer goblet about 7 inches tall, hallmarked 1860, provisionally to be known as the Old Gloryhunter Goblet unless anyone has a better suggestion.  A photo is attached.


Kind regards,


Richard Kenchington,