Derbyshire RA Challenge Match v LRRFC

Post date: Jun 23, 2017 9:0:28 PM

The match took place as scheduled on Weds, 21 June in glorious hot weather, with a gentle but unreadable fishtailing wind. 

LRRFC fielded a team of 4. It was agreed that DRA, who had the support of 7 competitors, would take their top 4 scores to count in the match, in recognition of the fact that two LRRFC competitors were shooting off a table and with a rest (the remainder shot TRSB).

The course of fire was 3 practice shots, 2 convertible sighters and 15 to count per man at 200, 300 and 500 yards. The result was close, DRA winning by a margin of 5 points. Few misses were recorded and nearly all shots were in the black at 200 and 300 yards, and on the target at 500. 

Some excellent scores were made, particularly Peter Francis’s fine aggregate of 187 ex 225 and Tim Stubbins’s remarkable 72 at 200 yards.

Full details of scores made, and a few photographs, are attached.