LRRFC Autumn Meeting 2019 Results

Post date: Oct 16, 2019 9:52:8 PM

Attached here are the Prize List and full list of scores made in the LRRFC Autumn Meeting last Sunday. 21 members took part.

Although the forecast was for a foul, wet day, in fact there was only a little fine drizzle in the late morning and early afternoon, which did not greatly affect the shooting. However, as for the Summer meeting in June, there was a strong left wind blowing from 8 or 9 o'clock. This was worth about 5 to 10 minutes at 300 yards and 15 to 20 minutes at 400, so again scores were quite low. The exception was the first detail at 300 yards, where the wind was more moderate and steady, allowing a few competitors to score more than 90 with their 20 shots, and Ben Stubbins to make a brilliant 96.6. However, Ben was unable to repeat this at 400 yards and Michael Haselgrove stormed through with an 81.3 to take the Campaign Cup.

I was glad to receive two entries for SRSB, so the Tankard was awarded this year. I should like to encourage more competitors to bring out their SRSB rifles in future.


Richard Kenchington.