AGM - Zoom, 7.30pm, Monday 13 July

Post date: Jul 06, 2020 4:36:12 PM

The Agenda, Certified Accounts and Minutes of the last AGM have been emailed to all full members and I look forward to your presence on the screen then.  You will receive an email from Tony Cattermole shortly beforehand.

The Treasurer's report is as follows:

The Accounts for 2019 show a surplus of £36.  The cash reserves at 31 December 2019 stood at £586, less advance provision for the NRA 2020 affiliation & insurance and a single pre-paid 2020 subscription, leaving us with a net cash balance of £258 at the year end.  P Francis, Hon Treasurer, 5/7/20.

Kind regards,

Richard Kenchington,

LRRFC Chairman / Secretary