
PreK Color Groups



  • Read: What Happened to Marion's Book

  • Finding a book

  • Lining up to check-out

  • Lining up after checking out

  • Carrying a book

  • Quick video:


Colors: Dombroski * Gustine * Madison * McCullough

  • Read: The Shelf Elf E HOP

    • Coming into the library as a class

    • Coming into the library alone

    • Using Destiny (from your classroom)

    • Using a shelf stick

    • Getting ready to check out

    • Time for check-out

    • Lining up after checking out

    • Carrying a book


Colors: Hill * James * Jones * Toering

  • Read: The Shelf Elf E HOP

    • Coming into the library as a class

    • Coming into the library alone

    • Using Destiny (from your classroom)

    • Using a shelf stick

    • Getting ready to check out

    • Time for check-out

    • Lining up after checking out

    • Carrying a book