
PreK Color Groups

  • Read: Tooth Fairy's First Night by Anne Bowen E BOW

  • Use projector to display 'notes' left for the Tooth Fairy

  • Discussion: Discuss how the young girl tricked the tooth fair and how the tooth fairy got back at her.

  • Tumblebooks: Abra Cadabra by Nurit Karlin


Flippity: Evans * Fuller * Lane * Toering

Colors: Evans * Fuller * Lane * Toering

  • Read: Tooth Fairy's First Night by Anne Bowen E BOW

  • Use projector to display 'notes' left for the Tooth Fairy

  • Discussion: Discuss how the young girl tricked the tooth fair and how the tooth fairy got back at her.

  • Begin with Book Trailer about the book - downloaded and saved from YouTube.

  • Show image of author and tell of a few other titles by her. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oNJtPAfG28TUN9CgPZjV9Gi56Z2abtqmcUbGVb7eYHw


Flippity: Dombroski * Graves * Madison * Morrissey

Colors: Dombroski * Graves * Madison * Morrissey


Flippity: Caruso * Grant * Price * Wyatt-Frizzell

Colors: Caruso * Grant * Price * Wyatt-Frizzell


Flippity: Champlin * Larson * Layman * Willis

Colors: Champlin * Larson * Layman * Willis


Flippity: Johnson * Phillips * Serbun

Colors: Johnson * Phillips * Serbun


Flippity: Eller * Ericson * Whitson

Colors: Eller * Ericson * Whitson

    • Absent Day - show gSlide with attached video
