
PreK Color Groups

  • Read: Laugh with a Giraffe & Percy Gets Upset

  • Check-out books

  • Watch: Giraffes Can't Dance


  • Alphabet City by Stephen T. Johnson.

  • A wordless book of pictures demonstrating letters of the alphabet as seen around the city.

  • Use ppt projector and file to show the scanned images of the book and the overlay of each letter.

  • z::\leesons\KDG\alphabet city.ppt



  • Read: "Some men are born to greatness, others have greatness thrust upon them" T. Roosevelt

  • Lesson on Rosa Parks

  • Discussion: How does this quote exemplify this simple woman who was simply too tired to stand up on a bus?

  • Exercise: Discussion of the history of Rosa Parks and her impact on the inception of the Civil Rights Movement. How does MLK play into her act of defiance?

  • Materials Needed: Rosa by Nikki Giovanni


          • Discussion: Origins of Black History Month

          • Exercise: Preview some questions on the history of Black History Month. Watch three minute video through www.historychannel.com and review the answers.

          • Materials Needed: Access to LCD projector. z:\Lessons\Holidays\Black History\The Beginning of Black History Month.ppt file.


