21st Great Grandparents, King Edward 1 Plantagenet and Queen Eleanor of Castile
Edward 1 Plantagenet King (1239 - 1307)
21st great-grandfather
daughter of Edward 1 Plantagenet King
son of Elizabeth Plantagenet
daughter of William De Bohun Earl of Northampton
daughter of Elizabeth De Bohun
daughter of Elizabeth (Ellin) Fitzalen
daughter of Joan Goushill
daughter of Margaret Stanley
son of Joan Troutbeck
son of William Griffith Sir
son of William Griffith
son of Robert Griffith
son of Edward Griffith
son of thomas Griffith
son of Very Rev. Richard Griffith
son of Edward Griffith
daughter of Richard Griffith
daughter of Emily Catherine "Kitty" Griffith
son of Emily Buck
daughter of William Cooper
daughter of Florence Jane Gillies
son of Leila Winifred Gillies
son of William Frederick Jessep
Through this line, I am descended from Edward 1 and many great ones along the way. This means that I am descended from William the Conqueror and the famous Rollo the Viking.