Spring, 2018

Photos of UAV Experiments, Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park

- UAV Research Team has been carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, April 28 - May 8, 2018 .

UAV Research Team (mainly graduate students) have enjoyed the flight mission experiments!

This page provides the photos (see below) taken by students in UAV Research Team.

UAV Research Team has collected important flight control and/or mission data to demonstrate the utility of our proposed approaches. For more details of our publication on UAV researches, see here.

北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました (April 28 - May 8, 2018 ).

