

(Photo:Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Spring, 2015) 

 - IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) における 2021 Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award を受賞することが決定しました(授賞理由:For contributions to fuzzy control systems design and analysis). この賞はCISの権威ある3つの賞(Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award, Neural Networks Pioneer Award, Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award)の一つで,15年を超えて同研究分野でのパイオニア的な研究を行った研究者に贈られる賞です.今回初めて本学教員がCISの権威ある3つの賞の一つを受賞しました.

 - 2020 Spring UAV Experiments at Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

 - 北海道大樹町での2020年春の飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験は新型コロナのため中止になりました

- A Ph.D. student in Nonlinear Control Research group, Kai-yi Wong, who presented the paper entitled "Longitudinal Fuzzy Model Construction of a Flying-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and a Nonlinear Guaranteed Cost Control Approach to Altitude Stabilization ," has received the Student Paper Award (First Place) at 2019 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (Nov. 9, 2019).

- Three plenary and invited talks have been presented  in Taiwan.

-北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験行いました! (August 7 - August 27, 2019)

- UAV Research Team has been carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, August 7 - August 27, 2019.

- A graduate student in UAV group,  Arimasa Iwase, who presented the paper entitled 

    "Path Tracking Stabilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles via Rational Polynomial Fuzzy Control,"

  received the Outstanding Young Author Award  from Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics. (August 30, 2019)

岩瀬惟真君(機械知能システム学専攻博士前期2年)が日本知能情報ファジィ学会より奨励賞を受賞 (August 30, 2019).

- UAV Research Team has been carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, April 26 - May 9, 2019.

北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました(April 26 - May 9, 2019)!

- UAV Research Team has been carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, August 8 - August 17, 2018.

北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました(August 8 - August 17, 2018)!

- UAV Research Team has been carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, April 28 - May 8, 2018.

北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました(April 28 - May 8, 2018)!

- 北海道大樹町宇宙交流センターパンフレットに飛行ロボット紹介


- UAV Research Team has carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, August 7 - August 25, 2017.

北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました(August 7 - August 25, 2017).


- A Ph.D. student in Nonlinear Control Research group, Alissa Ully Ashar, who presented the paper entitled 

    "Positivstellensatz Relaxation for Sum-of-Squares Stabilization Conditions of Polynomial Fuzzy Systems,"

  has received the IFSA Student Paper Award  

at 17th World Congress on International Fuzzy Systems Association & 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS 2017), Otsu, Shiga, Japan. (June. 30, 2017).

- 平成29年4月28日(金)から5月9日(火)まで北海道の大樹町にある多目的航空公園で行った飛行ロボットの自律飛行実験の様子が北海道大樹町の広報に掲載されました.

- UAV Research Team has carried out several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, April 28 - May 9, 2017.



- A graduate student in UAV group, Yutoku Takahashi, has been selected as a student representative on the next year 2018 UEC brochure.

- The Robotics Society of Japan Distinguished Service Award

  The Robotics Society of Japan, Sept. 2016.

- A graduate student in UAV group, Yutoku Takahashi, who presented the paper entitled 

    "Fuzzy Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Parafoil Wing,"

  has received the Outstanding Young Author Award   from Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics. (Sept. 1, 2016)


- 2016年8月23日 8月に北海道大樹で行った飛行ロボット研究チームの実験が新聞報道されました. 「小型無人機 開発進む」

- UAV Research Team has done several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, August 4 - August 20, 2016.

- 北海道大樹で2016年GWに行った実験に参加した飛行ロボット研究チームへのインタビュー記事が「ソラユメ」に掲載されました.

- The following invited tutorial was given in Tutorials of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2016), Vancouver, Canada, July 2016.

Tutorial # FUZZ-4,

              Kazuo Tanaka, 

              A Sum-of-Squares Framework for Fuzzy Systems Modeling and Control: Beyond Linear Matrix Inequalities

              Tutorial slides are available at

- 2016年5月12日 GWに北海道大樹で行った飛行ロボット研究チームの実験が新聞報道されました. 「風を計算 無人機飛行成功」

- UAV Research Team has done several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park, Hokkaido, Japan, April 28 - May 9, 2016.


- Some students in our lab. have joined Boston University Collaborative Research Projects (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering), March 14-20, 2016.

   本研究室の学生がボストン大学機械工学科ロボット制御システムグループとの共同研究プロジェクトに参加しました. March 14-20, 2016

-  2015年10月30日 朝日新聞掲載 朝日新聞「新ロボット元年(Robotics 2015):日々進化し続けるロボット工学最前線」に本研究室の「自律的にミッションを遂行する飛行ロボット」が紹介されました.

- Best Poster Award, SWARM 2015

 (The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics) , Oct. 2015.

      Motoyasu Tanaka and Kazuo Tanaka, Shape Control for a Snake Robot via Sequential Switching

- UAV Research Team has done several kinds of flight mission experiments via PPG (Powered Paraglider) and  UEC-UAV (unique, exciting, challenging unmanned aerial vehicle), JAXA Taiki Aerospace Research Field, Hokkaido, Japan, Oct. 3-15, 2015.

  For more details, see here


   最新の実験映像は こちら

- Honorary International Chair Professor,National Taipei University of Technology 2015.8

- 北海道大学で特別講義を行いました. 7/23-7/25, 2015

- IFSA Fellow, International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)  2015.7

- 2015年の4月24日から5月7日まで,北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの様々なタスク実験を行いました.

  その様子が,NHKでも放映されました. こちら

新聞に掲載されました. こちら

- Invited Talks, When Nonlinearities Met Fuzzy Logic -Matching to Nonlinearity via LMI and SOS-, WorkShop on Fuzzy Control,National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung & National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, 2014.11.

- 2014年の10月4日から10月14日まで,北海道大樹で先端非線形制御理論を駆使した飛行ロボットの自動追尾実験および未知領域自動探索実験などを行いました.

- Invited Lecture, Recent Advances in Fuzzy Modeling and Control, 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2014), Beijing, China, 2014.7

- 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門賞を受賞

- 2014年のGW期間中に北海道大樹で飛行ロボットの自律飛行実験,自動着陸実験などを行いました.

- TBS 「Nスタ」(2014年3月17日)


- IEEE Fellow, IEEE, 2014.1

- Outstanding Service Selection, Automatica, 2014

- Best Paper Finalist, 2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY2013) at Taipei, Taiwan.

- Best Paper Award, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2013) at Penang, Malaysia.

- テレビ朝日モーニングバードで研究成果が放映されました.

  2013年6月3日 未来技術として脳波で操縦するヘリコプタが紹介されました.
