Awards and Honors
- 山本芽生さん(機械知能システム学専攻博士前期1年)が2024 IEEE CIS Japan Chapter Young Researcher Awardを受賞しました!
- 2023年10月,台湾のPenghuで開催された国際会議で発表した論文(Mei Yamamoto, Yutoku Takahashi and Kazuo Tanaka)がiFUZZY 2023 Best Paper Awardを受賞しました!
- 2022年も2020年,2021年に引き続き,Stanford University World's Top 2% Scientistsに選出されました!single recent year(単年)の区分およびcareer-long(生涯)の区分の両方でランクインしています .スタンフォード大学が科学・工学の幅広い分野で世界中の科学者を対象に論文の被引用数など定量的評価に基づいてトップ2%の研究者を毎年リストアップしているものです.
- 当研究室のM1の吉井君,山本君が本学ピクトラボ活動で取り組んだFlying-wing型飛行ロボット(当研究室開発のものと同型)で第18回全日本学生室内飛行ロボットコンテストに出場し,見事に飛行競技(自動操縦部門)第2位オプティム賞を受賞しました!
- Prof. Kazuo Tanaka has been selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide.
- Prof. K. Tanaka has been selected to receive the 2021 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award with the citation “For contributions to fuzzy control systems design and analysis”. This award recognizes significant contributions to early concepts and sustained developments in the field of fuzzy systems.
- Graduate students in UAV and nonlinear control groups, Kai-yi Wong and Nana Kariya, who presented the paper entitled " Longitudinal Fuzzy Model Construction of a Flying-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and a Nonlinear Guaranteed Cost Control Approach to Altitude Stabilization ," has received the Student Paper Award (First Place) at 2019 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, Tamsui, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (Nov. 9, 2019).
- A graduate student in UAV group, Arimasa Iwase, who presented the paper entitled
"Path Tracking Stabilization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles via Rational Polynomial Fuzzy Control,"
has received the Outstanding Young Author Award from Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics. (August 30, 2019)
- A Ph.D. student in Nonlinear Control Research group, Alissa Ully Ashar, who presented the paper entitled
"Positivstellensatz Relaxation for Sum-of-Squares Stabilization Conditions of Polynomial Fuzzy Systems,"
has received the IFSA Student Paper Award
at 17th World Congress on International Fuzzy Systems Association & 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS 2017), Otsu, Shiga, Japan. (June. 30, 2017).
- The Robotics Society of Japan Distinguished Service Award,
The Robotics Society of Japan, Sept. 2016.
- A graduate student in UAV group, Yutoku Takahashi, who presented the paper entitled
"Fuzzy Control of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Parafoil Wing,"
has received the Outstanding Young Author Award
from Japan Society of Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics. (Sept. 1, 2016)
- Best Poster Award, SWARM 2015 (The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics)
Motoyasu Tanaka and Kazuo Tanaka,
Shape Control for a Snake Robot via Sequential Switching
- IFSA Fellow, 2015.
- Honorary International Chair Professor, National Taipei University of Technology, 2015-2017.
- IEEE Fellow, 2014.
- Automatica Outstanding Service Selection, 2014.
- Best Paper Finalist at 2013 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY2013) in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2013.
- Best Paper Award at 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2013) in Penang, Malaysia, in 2013.
- Best in Class Autonomy Award at RoboCup 2011 Japan Open in Osaka, Japan, in 2011.
- SICE Award at RoboCup Japan Open 2010, Osaka, Japan, in 2010.
- Best Paper Selection at 2005 American Control Conference in Portland, USA, in 2005.
- 2000 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award in 2000.
- 1999 IFAC World Congress Best Poster Paper Prize in 1999.
- Outstanding Book Awards from the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems in 1995.
- Best Young Researchers Award from the Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers in 1994.
- Outstanding Papers Award at the Joint Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Applications in Budapest, Hungary, in 1991.
- Best Young Researchers Award from the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems in 1990.
- Outstanding Papers Award at the 1990 Annual NAFIPS Meeting in Toronto, Canada, in 1990.