Latest News
15 May 2024 - Progress with Templot Plug Track. See Track
7 January 2024 - Progress with Templot Plug Track. See Track
2 December 2023 - Templot Plug Track
I have started playing with Templot plug track. See Track
19 November 2021 - Spirals
I recently gave a presentation to our 3mm Society Virtual Area Group on my Spirals. Since that is more up-to-date than the previous material I have used it to rework Spirals
17 November 2021 - Hidden Sidings
I recently gave a presentation to our 3mm Society Virtual Area Group on my Hidden Sidings and specifically the sector plate. Since that is more up-to-date than the previous material I have used it to rework - Hidden Sidings
26 July 2021 - My 3mm Products
I have added a page describing products for the Triang Merchant Navy.
1 March 2021 My Triang DMUs
I have added a new page describing improvements to my Triang DMUs.
21 January 2021 - Wareham
I have added a page about Wareham. I am still learning about the best way to use the new Google Sites!
1 December 2020 - New Site
This site has been migrated from the old site as required by Google.
21 June 2020
Updated References and Hamworthy Junction
14 June 2019
I have bought a 3D printer as described here.
13 February 2019
More progress on Hamworthy Junction.
21 January 2018
Progress on Hamworthy Junction.
14 January 2018 - 3D Printing
I have printed my first attempt at the LMS D1666 open wagon and started a range of 3D printed buffers as described here. I am also progressing with my Loco Developments.
26 November 2017
I have added a separate page for the LMS Open Wagons that I am working on.
8 May 2017
Progress on Hamworthy Junction subway arch.
7 April 2017
See SR/BR U and N Class Moguls for the latest stock situation.
21 January 2017
The etch brickwork corresponding to the 3D printed brickwork can be seen here.
11 January 2017
Some of the results from my latest 3D printing can be seen here Corfe Castle Cattle Dock and here Hamworthy Junction.
29 November 2016 - EngineDriver
See Control
25 November 2016 - Black Friday Fires
I just bought 2 more Amazon Fires in the Black Friday sales at just £29.99 each. These are my preferred wireless throttles running Engine Driver. That gives me 5 altogether, as well as my 3 iPODs running WiThrottle.
4 November 2016
I have reorganised My 3mm Products.
My latest product is an insulated chair-fishplate-chair and has moved to Track. I have added instructions and a view of the 3D model.
I have also included my latest experiment with Wheels and Axles.
5 October 2016
I have been building the first board in the back room as shown here. I am planning to build some of the track on this board at the Worsley Works Modellers Weekend 2016.
4 July 2016
Having laid some track in the hidden sidings my thoughts are now turning to methods of control. The plan is described here. Further details to follow.
25 June 2016
I have started track laying on the entry to three of the hidden sidings as shown here
26 April 2016
Progress on the garage has been good and I can now start thinking about Hamworthy Junction as show here.
3 March 2016
I have not been idle although my 3mm work has been full size rather than modelling as such. I decided that after the Christmas decorations had been put away I would clear the back of the garage and install the planned door to give a path from the back room through the garage and into the front room (see Home). Well, the door was hung today. There are lots of little jobs still to be done as well as finishing the garage insulation and floor. Hopefully by the summer the garage will be more hospitable and work on baseboards can continue.
26 October 2015
I have been working on the track for Hamworthy and needed to see where the hand-levers for the points are located. I have added some references to Hamworthy. I have also started to describe my tracklaying.
6 October 2015
Prompted by a question on the Yahoo Group BR loco-hauled coaching stock 1948-97 I have started a page on Coaches
12 September 2015
Not forgetting The Narrow Gauge Charm of Yesterday which I have now added to References. This includes pictures of Furzebrook and its engines. Although I have Templotted Furzebrook I don't currently have a matching Templot, background and position in the garage below Norden. Furzebrook presents a challenge because the main line from Worgret Junction will be hidden but very close to the surface. Accurate positioning of everything will be vital!
5 September 2015
I have just finished reading Fayle's Tramways Clay Mining in Purbeck. That has prompted me to add my track plan at Norden here. I have also added the book to my list of references.
9 August 2015
This is the time of year for working on my O Gauge in the Garden but I am working on the triangular junction for that and it will require some signal boxes. The box at Worgret Junction would be a good candidate for that so I have started here.
5 August 2015
Last week on my annual holiday to Swanage I visited Corfe to look at the base of the old cattle dock. It has been refurbished with the position of the original rail posts still visible. This has prompted me to update my References and Corfe Castle Cattle Dock. These updates are ongoing. Next time I visit, probably the Members Weekend, I will get some more measurements.
24 July 2015
I have added my plan for Corfe Castle.
23 July 2015
I have started work on Hamworthy and added my work to date on Hamworthy Junction.
20 July 2015
I have updated the pages describing my Spirals and Swanage including track diagrams from Templot.
I have also included a plan of the home for the layout here.
19 July 2015
I have updated the page describing my Hidden Sidings and included a track diagram from Templot.
14 July 2015
Go to Wheels and Axles to see my first attempt at 3D printing the centre for a T9 wheel and a self-quartering split axle.