* Corpus JEHOVAH TRIUMPH Institutes Fellowship - Submit Prayer Request


Faith-Inspired Answered Prayer Requests

Everybody needs some kind of prayer, regardless of your status in society i.e. there is none without Prayer Needs. We are reminded by scripture that there is no such petition, prayer or request that is in accordance with the Will and Purpose of the Supreme Jehovah God that is impossible for Him. The Lord Christ Jesus promises whatsoever we ask of the Father in His Name, he would honour so that The Father would be glorified in the Son. Whatever the issue is, we encourage you to send in your Prayer Requests and see what The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD will do, if only we Believe and have Faith.

At The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries, there is no let up in Prayer at the Prayer Alter.

Scripture teaches us to pray ceaselessly without let up. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

You may also send your Prayer Requests to The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries PRAYER TOWER ALTER through the Emails below:

TRIUMPH PRAYER TOWER Email 1 = corpusjehovahprayertower@minister.com

TRIUMPH PRAYER TOWER Email 2 = corpusjehovahtriumphprayertower@minister.com

CORPORATE Email = corpusjehovahchancellor@outlook.com

COMMUNICATIONS Email = corpusjehovahcommunications@outlook.com

FOR Rapid Results please pray this Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries TRANSFORMATIONAL PRAYER in RADICAL FAITH below to set the ball rolling:

"Dear Supreme Jehovah GOD Father of Creation,

Thank you for all you have done for me already,

Your word says that there is no such thing as an impossibility for you.

The Lord Christ Jesus promises that whatever we ask of you The Supreme Jehovah GOD Father of Creation, believing that we Receive, He will do so that you The Father may be Glorified in Him.

I ask Jehovah GOD The Father of Creation that you hear my prayer and meet my needs

[insert your needs here].

In The Lord Christ Jesus' Mighty Name I submit my prayer;

Unto Your Most Holiest and Highest of Thrones.

I thank you for Answered Prayers.


Ps] Be sure to write us about your Miracles and Answered Prayers. Your Witnesses assist enormously in boosting the FAITH of others who so urgently need their Breakthroughs. Jehovah GOD Bless you.