*Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH TRIUMPH Institutes | Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution

Stopping CHRISTOPHOBIA and Religious Persecution Globally

Religious persecution around the world is a horrific problem that has taken centre stage recently with a focus on atrocities being committed against Christians in countries like Islamic Countries, the Gulf States, Africa's North, West and East Regions - Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan and China etc.

Unfortunately, thus far, there is no consistent Lobby and Voice that effectively speaks against this increasing horrendous spate of Organised Christian Holocaust i.e. Christophobia and Fundamental Human Rights Abuse i.e. violence, victimisation, viciousness and persecution against Christians and the larger international community of Believers. Existing Faith Communities have either feel threatened into silence or over-stretched for lack adequate resources.

What is clear, however, is that the continued extreme Religious Persecution fragrantly violates the Fundamental Human Rights of individuals and communities to exercise much cherished Freedom of Religion and Worship without any impediments or interruptions.

For this reason, the Corpus JEHOVAH Institute Against Religious Persecution is founded to advocate for Religious Tolerance and Sustainable Inclusive Peace, Stability and Security.

The PURPOSE & Objectives of the Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution

The Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution is a Centre of Excellence within The Supreme Jehovah God Ministries with the mandate "to stop the Persecution consisting of defamation, victimisation, discrimination, murders and acts of terrorism against Believers in God, chiefly Christians and to secure inclusive justice, fair treatment, peace, stability and security to all." As such, the world’s premier Religious Civil Rights/Human Relations Agency, The Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution fights religious persecution and all forms of bigotry, defends ETHICAL democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.

Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution aspires to fill the void and vacuum of lack of a voice for preventing Religious Persecution and the pursuit of justice against perpetrators where persecution has already taken place.

Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution works to be a formidable leader in the development of materials, programs and services, to build bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups, carrying out its vision and mission through a network of Regional and Satellite Offices in the United Kingdom and offices in Africa and other continents.

The Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution fights religious persecution and all forms of bigotry in the United Kingdom and abroad through information, education, legislation, and advocacy. It serves as a resource for government, media, law enforcement, educators and the public.

Corpus JEHOVAH Universal Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution:

  1. Scrutinizes And Exposes Extremists And Hate Groups

  2. Monitors Hate On The Internet

  3. Provides Expertise On Domestic And International Religious Terrorism

  4. Probes The Roots Of Hatred And Religious Terrorism

  5. Develops And Delivers Educational Programs

  6. Fosters Interfaith/Intergroup Relations

  7. Mobilizes Communities To Stand Up Against Bigotry

  8. Defends The Security Of Believers And Christians Worldwide

  9. Maintains A Comprehensive And Up-To-Date Web Site

CHRISTOPHOBIA, Religious Persecution, Racism & Bigotry

  1. In the forefront of the fight against religious persecution, challenges United Kingdom and world leaders and the United Nations to take action against anti-Christian and Religious bigotry and violence, and exposes and condemns attacks on Christians

  2. Through a comprehensive Web site and publications, provides the knowledge and tools to counteract religious persecution, hatred and intolerance

  3. United Kingdom’s prime resource for information on and responses to bigotry

  4. Collects and carefully evaluates a vast amount of information on anti-Semites, racists and extremists and provides a yearly analysis of anti-Christian and Religious activities in an annual Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents

  5. Through the polling of United Kingdom and other nations’ attitudes towards Christians, remains in the forefront of gauging religious persecution at home and abroad


  1. Monitors, analyses and exposes an entire range of extremists from the obscure to the more prominent. Issues Extremism in United Kingdom: A Guide, an encyclopaedia of United Kingdom extremists that is continually updated

  2. Law Enforcement Agency Resource Network is a comprehensive, frequently updated informational resource for Law Enforcement Personnel engaged in combating religious persecution, hate groups, hate crimes and hate symbols

Identifying & Combating Hate

Leading the efforts to deter and counter hate-motivated crimes, The Corpus JEHOVAH Institute Against Christophobia & Persecution drafted model hate crimes legislation in 1981, covering all hate crimes. Forty-five states have since enacted laws based on or similar to the model, which was unanimously deemed constitutional by the UNITED KINGDOM Supreme Court in 1993.

In the coming months, years and decades, The Corpus JEHOVAH Institute Against Christophobia & Persecution will be playing leading a campaign with a broad coalition of groups working on this theme, to push for greater recognition of Religious Persecution amongst policy formulators, legislators and governments with a view to Promote Religious Tolerance and eliminate the crime of Religious Persecution.

  1. As part of a joint effort, seeks to form PARTNERS AGAINST HATE to provide outreach, education and training in techniques to prevent juvenile hate-related behaviour

  2. Maintains an extensive online visual database of extremist symbols, logos and tattoos


  1. Works to further the mission of combating hate through education. Its award-winning RELIGIOUS TOLERANT WORLD INITIATIVE programs provide anti-bias education and training with curricula and materials available for elementary through university students, community groups, corporations, civic associations, religious organizations and law enforcement agencies

  2. Supports Inclusive Religious Holocaust Awareness and Education through its INCLUSIVE HOLOCAUST and the EMANCIPATED CHILD INITIATIVES.

Religious Freedom

  1. Regards the separation of Church and State as essential to preserving Religious Freedom in our increasingly pluralistic society. Engaged in action to safeguard Religious Liberty throughout society, including in the workplace and classroom

Interfaith Affairs

  1. Builds and maintains relationships and dialogue with international, national and local religious leaders of all faiths. Monitors and attempts to resolve interfaith issues, and helps educate non-Christian and Religious leaders about Christian and Religious history, theology and philosophy

  2. Through the LEST WE FORGET WITNESS PROGRAM, a partnership with The UNITED KINGDOM AFRICAN [including marginalised Holocausts] HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM and the Archdiocese of LONDON, provides Educational Institutions with the training and resources necessary to teach their students about Religious Persecution and Inclusive Holocaust

Religious Tolerance [Believers]

  1. Supports the Christian and Religious Communities by advocating for Religious Tolerance & Freedoms, and explaining political and security issues and the complexities of the upsurge in anti-Christianity with United Kingdom policymakers, the media and the public through programs, publications and contact with officials

  2. The London Office hosts fact-finding missions to Believers and provides expertise on anti-bias training for Believers, Educational, Military and Law Enforcement Institutions

International Affairs

  1. Monitors and combats Incidents of Global Religious Persecution and Extremism and promotes the security and well-being of Christian and Religious Communities around the world. Provides expertise to Governments and non-Government Institutions worldwide

  2. ‘A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE WITHOUT HOLOCAUSTS PROGRAMME’ anti-bias training programs to exist in countries on the 5 Continents of the World reaching Educators, Law Enforcement Professionals and Youth.

  3. To Maintain an office in Jerusalem