URGENT CALL TO SALVATION - Inherit Total Triumph In The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father of Creation and Grand Benefactor of Precious Life, SJGMMCorpus News & Media Group

Post date: Aug 26, 2014 8:24:11 PM

URGENT Call to Total Triumph in The Supreme Jehovah GOD:

There is Only ONE Supreme Jehovah GOD, Creator of the Universe, The Benefactor of All Things Precious including the Gift of LIFE without charge and the Blesser of Holistic Wealth without Sorrows. Through the Sacrifice of His only begotten Son, we get the guarantee of Eternal Life. He is the GOD of LIGHT, OmniPresent, OmniScient, OminiPresent, OmniBenevolent and equips His Loyal Children Born Again with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit for Dominion over the Earth including Satan, the god of darkness.

Satan, the inciter of Rebellion against Jehovah GOD Creator of the Universe, deceives people to disown their own Godly Origins. He is the god of Darkness that lacks the power to Create anything Good without charge. He can only IMITATE The Almighty GOD. His mission is to Deceive and consign humans to Eternal Hell well ahead of his own time, His agenda is to Steal, Kill and Destroy through enslavement by offering temporary baits of privilege. He lures humans by cursed wealth, power, positions, greed, ignorance - all of which are conditioned by Sorrows of different kinds with the final price of Eternal Lake of Fire. He uses his converts to create satanic systems and structures which are cunningly labelled to be attractive such as Secularism, Humanism, imperialism, Colonialism, neoColonialism, Racism, Apartheidism etc. etc. to inflict wickedness, callousness, pride, hatred, diseases, hunger, starvation, mass human suffering and undermine Fundamental Human Rights, Dignity, Respect, Security and Decency.

Satan is so deceptive that not only does he sometimes pretend to be an angel of Light but that he has installed Synagogues of Satan that pretend to be Temples of Jehovah GOD. Watch out for the signs of Blessings or Curses and make a choice. Be deceived no longer!!!

Take a look around you. The conditions in every institution, society, country, continent and the world reflect the collective Belief or Unbelief in Jehovah GOD Creator of the Universe. These correlate with the degree of wickedness, greed, economic exclusion and stigmatisation as well as disrespect for other Citizens. Where the leadership serve Satan, wickedness and human suffering is observably widespread.

Choose Jehovah GOD who already gave us Life and other Blessings free of charge enough to command our Trust, Loyalty, Confidence, Faith, Belief. Human Life is possible Only because of His Kindness/Benevolence. Satan does not give Life, he Kills.

Above all, Jehovah GOD does not only freely Give us Life, but we have the Promise of Eternal Life. Through His Son The Lord Christ Jesus he has restored our Dominion and every Inheritance as Children of Jehovah GOD, the Assistance of the Holy Spirit, the Service of a Host of Warrior Arch ANGELS to do our bidding including Protecting us from Satan and his demons.

Jehovah GOD loves us so much that All His Blessings are entirely Free. With satan, nothing is free.

Beloved, I urge you to chose Life on Earth and Eternal Life through Divine Scriptural Information, Understanding and Wisdom. Chose Jehovah GODLY Triumphant LIFE here on Earth over Accursed Satanic Earthly Life. Chose Eternal Life over Eternal Hell.

Claim your Inheritance as a Child of Jehovah GOD.

To your Total Triumph in Christ Jesus. Amen.