Month of May Anointed Special Message of Blessings | Rev Dr Koku Foli Adomdza HRH, Chancellor, President & Senior Fellow, Corpus Jehovah Fellowship

Post date: May 11, 2015 10:51:50 AM

Corpus JEHOVAH Golden EAGLE Communications

SPECIAL MESSAGE of Blessings for the Month of MAY

Beloved Brethren,

Divine Total Triumph Greetings in The Lord Christ Jesus to You and Your Loved Ones.

I welcome you to this great month of May.

Not only is it the 5th Month in our Year of Divine Breakthroughs, it is a Period of Continued Eastertide up until the Advent of the Ascension i.e. 40 days after Easter Sunday, then the 10 Day Period for Pentecost – The Outpouring of The Holy Spirit.

It has been a Period of Divine Grace, Divine Mercy, Divine Favour and the unmistakable Supernatural Powers of The supreme Jehovah GOD Father in our Lives.

Therefore it is with joy that I congratulate you for being a part of this TOTAL TRIUMPH CORPUS JEHOVAH FAMILY. May the TOTAL TRIUMPH GRACE remain ever fresh upon you in The Most Exalted Name, Authority and Power of The Lord Christ Jesus.

This Month is also our month of Signs and Wonders so I would like you to be fully expectant of what God is set to do in your life. I am Abundantly Confident that you would be Esteemed, by the time this Month of May comes to an end.

Once again, I look forward to what the Supreme Jehovah GOD Father of Creation has in store for you and in HIM I Trust that you would receive your portion expeditiously.

Enjoy Divine Total Triumph in All Facets of Life without end. Remember, there is no such thing as an Impossibility with The Supreme Jehovah GOD Creator of the Universe and the Grand Benefactor of Precious Gift of Life and All Things Priceless. Keep The Faith Divine.

The Most Exalted Name, Authority and Power of The Lord Christ Jesus.

Shalom and Amen.

Rev Dr Koku Foli Adomdza HRH

Chancellor, President and Senior Fellow

Corpus Jehovah Fellowship | Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries

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