CORPUS JEHOVAH – GICESBI Chambers of Excellence | Global Institute of Christian Ethical Enterprise, Business & Investments Chambers of Excellence - Corpus Jehovah Corporate Communications

Post date: Oct 02, 2014 3:22:41 PM

CORPUS JEHOVAH – GICESBI Chambers of Excellence | Global Institute of Christian Ethical Enterprise, Business & Investments Chambers of Excellenc:

GICESBI CHAMBERS OF EXCELLENCE is a Pioneering, Creative and Innovative Initiative to Promote Sustainable Christian ETHICAL Wealth Creation as an alternative to the unreliable, mainstream, orthodox, secular ,unethical, business options that led to the 2007/08 Global Economic Meltdown from which billions of people across all Continents were adversely affected.

The first of its kind ever, GICESBI Chambers of Excellence advocates the Virtues, Values and Strengths of Christian Principles of Economics, Enterprise, Business and Investments to create a New Era of Christian Ethical Entrepreneurs, Business Folks and Investors for Sustainable and Kingdom Principles-based Financial Independence which are in harmony with Divine Wealth Creation Dynamics.

GICESBI Chambers of Excellence seeks to answer some of the Fundamental Questions of why despite the Power of the Sacred Scriptures, Majority Christians are impoverished and severely, perilously dependent on the Secular Sources of income. This is a Contradiction that needs to be Rectified to Re-establish Christians to their Divine Inheritance as Children of The Supreme Jehovah GOD Father of Creation – to be Blessed to become a Blessing unto Others, the Kingdom and the Universe.


A Positively Transformed post-GREAT Recession, 21st Century World through a Culture of Sustainable Ethical Wealth Creation facilitated by Robust Christian Ethical Enterprises, Economics, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Banks, Investments, Investors & Institutions [Sustainable CEEBIS]


Promote the Creation of a More Perfect post-GREAT Recession 21st Century World through a Virtual Chain of Sustainable Christian Ethical Enterprises, Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Investments, Investors and Institutions.


The Purpose of GICESBI Chambers of Excellence is the Pioneering, Advocacy and Facilitation of Christian Ethical Sustainable Enterprises, Businesses, Investments, Financial Instruments, Cultures as Credible Models and Virtual Vehicles of Ethical Wealth Creation.

Menu of Sustainable Christian Ethical Wealth Creation Support Activities:

    1. Incorporation

    2. Incubation

    3. Ethical Christian EBI Advice

    4. Capacity Building

    5. Seminars

  1. Workshops

    1. Conferences

    2. Trade Missions

    3. Study Visits

    4. Music

    5. Foods

    6. Fashion

    7. Films

    8. Annual Awards

    9. Publications

    10. Exhibitions/Expos

Cognate Christian Ethical Chambers of Excellence as Prominent Facilitators of Sustainable Christian Ethical Wealth Creations:

    1. Christian Ethical Enterprises & Entrepreneurs Chambers of Excellence

    2. Christian Ethical Economics & Economists Chambers of Excellence

    3. Christian Ethical Businesses & Business Persons Chambers of Excellence

    4. Christian Ethical Investments and Investors Chambers of Excellence

    5. Christian Ethical MicroFinance & Financial Instruments | Bank

    6. Christian Ethical Education Chambers of Excellence

    7. Christian Ethical Institutions, Organisations & Agencies

    8. Christian Ethical Cultures & Lifestyles

    9. Christian Ethical Policies, Research, Advocacy

Corpus Jehovah Annual Events:

    1. GICESBI Chambers of Excellence Annual Awards

    2. Universal Christian Economic Summits

    3. Continental Prayer Conferences

For further information, please contact GICESBI Chambers of Excellence through the following emails: | | | |