Thanksgiving and exaltation be to The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD for the Saints who are meeting in Fellowships and rediscovering what it means to gather together in simplicity apart from the steeple-house, over-materialised but Spiritually Powerless Clergy and denominationalism. Yet, The Lord Christ Jesus did not say, “I will build My Fellowship Church.”

Since the Church is comprised of individuals who have the Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus, how or where they meet together is of little consequence. In Jerusalem, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Caribbean, Asia, Oceana or in mountains? Neither, says the Lord (John 4:20-24).


Where we gather does not matter to the Lord, but WHY we gather is of extreme importance to Him. If it is due to the Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus, we will worship in Spirit and Truth because the Revelation of Christ draws us together. Why? Because our testimony is other-worldly, peculiar, spiritual. We are the Called-out Assembly, the Ecclesia of The Lord Christ Jesus. We are His particular treasure.

What we have, both within Organised Religion and within the house church “movement”, is a mixture of people. Some of them have the Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus, and some do not. We affirm that this Revelation OF DIVINE ASSIGNMENT s enough to establish the Church, regardless of the outward appearances. Where this Revelation for Total Emancipation exists, THERE is the FOUNDATION of the Church that The Lord Christ Jesus is building. Since it is an inward revelation, a spiritual seeing and entering into, we cannot classify everyone as being the Church merely because they are within a system of Organised Religion, or even if they have come out of a system. Nor can we include or disqualify them because of where or how they meet.

The meeting together is only a small part of the total picture. The question is not whether we are in or out of a human system, or how we meet, or what doctrine we lay emphasis on. Pertinent lines of inquiry include the following:

* Have we seen the Lord?

* Do we have the Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus for DIVINE ASSIGNMENT and Total Emancipation?

We may be correct in Outward Appearance but have no INWARD RELATION. Hence, not all who say, “Lord! Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 7:21-23).

Similarly, outwardly speaking we may be politically or spiritually incorrect and offensive , that is, according to what man values and esteems as good, acceptable, moral and religious; yet the Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus for Total Emancipation is sufficient to bring us into The Almighty Creator JEHOVAH GOD's Kingdom with or without the support and approval of men, even the most spiritual and holy men.

“I will build My Church.” We maintain that the Church exists where individuals have the Divine Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus for Holistic DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT and TOTAL TRIUMPH: for when this revelation takes hold of a person, The Lord Christ Jesus will have the preeminence in all things (Colossians 1:12-19). It is not enough to tell people, “Jesus is the Head of the Church.” We cannot make Him the Head while gathered together and then expect Him to remain in the background while we live out our lives individually in accordance with the dictates of the flesh. Either He is Lord OF all, or He isn’t Lord AT all.


When we ENCOUNTER The Lord Christ Jesus we will gladly and joyfully allow Him to be the Head over all things, not only in the Church, but in our Marriage, Families, Careers, Education and all walks of life. We will at once see that the The Holy Spirit-filled Church does not belong to us, but to Him, The Creator of the Universe, the Heavens and Planets.

We will discern that hitherto we have viewed “church” as something that we must attend, build, or grow. With the knowledge that JEHOVAH GOD's Church does not belong to us, we will relinquish our claims to it and begin to co-labour together with the Lord (I Corinthians 3:9). Then, it is a natural thing to transcend our titles and positions and principally concentrate on building one another up in Godly LOVE.

For ego-satisfaction within a group that has no Divine Revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus which is necessary for Total TRIUMPH is why humans feel the need to have some unwieldy organisation with established Oppressive Regimes among the Saints, running the steeple-house much like Spiritless-Mission-Statement-Secular-Businesses with top-heavy organisational charts unrelated to Heavenly Order and Character, paving a one-way street of submission to some Earthly Head – because there is no DIVINE VISION of The Lord Christ Jesus.

What we are about is a JEHOVAH GOD-centred Kingdom Holistic Wellbeing Assignment in total submission unto The CREATOR of the Universe and Humankind, from whose unlimited Reservoir of Blessings we draw Supernatural Strength, Wisdom, Guidance - The I AM That I AM - through our Lord Christ Jesus, encapacitated by God The Holy Spirit.

It is not MERE Organization or Leadership Training that Contemporary Believers require. Believers need more DIVINE REVELATION which is beyond the capacities of humans. Divine Revelation is a Gift of the Supreme JEHOVAH GOD. Once obtained, Believers will with much rejoicing and relief fall into place below One Head and allow The Lord Christ Jesus to have the preeminence. “The Lord is my Pastoral Shepherd; I shall not lack (Psalms 23:1).”

Not the building, not the formalities, not the institution, not the religion, not the bullet points. But The Lord Christ Jesus - Divine Grace, Mercy, Favour, Peace, Belief, Faith, Community, Forgiveness, Righteousness, Rest, Rescue, Love, Action.


Mark 16: 17, 18

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Mathew 10: 8

7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

Mathew 28: 18-20

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Acts 10: 38

And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.

The foregoing is part of what Corpus JEHOVAH Fellowship Institutes | Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Total TRIUMPH Ministries is contributing towards the much needed 21st Century Universal Holy Spirit Renaissance. We invite you to share this experience and journey with us.

In His Service,

Rev Dr Koku Foli Adomdza HRH - Chancellor, President, Principal Fellow & JEHOVAH GOD's Servant;

International Chancellery, Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus Jehovah Fellowship Institutes | Total TRIUMPH Ministries for GREAT Works, Miracles, Signs and Wonders in Fulfilment of Divine Stewardship through the 5 GREAT Commissions

“…upon this Rock, I will build My Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18b).”



We speak the PURPOSE and WILL of The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD, The Only CREATOR of the Universe and BENEFACTOR OFFERER of Priceless, Precious, Irreplaceable Gift of LIFE into your Being, Essence and those of your Loved Ones. May the time you spend on this website and your Fellowship with us be of tremendous Blessing to you and yours.


The Corpus JEHOVAH FELLOWSHIP | Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Total TRIUMPH Ministries of Holistic DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT for Total TRIUMPH Lives is a Calling to the 21st Century Holy Spirit Renaissance to resolve the Contemporary Alarming Powerlessness of Christianity, Christians and the Church i.e. the Christian Conundrum, as Restored through the Sacrifice of The Lord Christ Jesus with ALL Authority and Power some 2015 years ago. We are mandated to trailblaze the unravelling of the Christian Conundrum or Enigma in which Majority Christians continue to be shackled in Exploitative Spiritual and Material Dependency Enslavement to Secular Satanic Constructs in which many never find their Divine Assignments, the Primary Purpose of LIFE, let alone Live out or Fulfil them.

After Seven Years of intense Research, Meditation, Fasting, Dialogue with The Holy Trinity that culminated in a Christ Encounter, Corpus JEHOVAH Fellowship Institutes was assigned to take the Message of Total TRIUMP unto All the Nations and the Ends of the Earth with specific Tools of Omniscientific Enablement through the Exousia Authority and Dunamis Powers of The Lord Christ Jesus.

Corpus JEHOVAH Fellowship Institutes | Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Total TRIUMPH Ministries is mandated to equip Believers with Holistic DIVINE ENLIGHTENMENT of STEWARDSHIP through the 5 GREAT Commissions of:

  1. Divine Fruitfulness

  2. Divine Multiplication

  3. Divine Rulership

  4. Divine Dominion, and

  5. Divine Universal Evangelism

Scriptural References: Genesis 26-31, Luke 10:19, Isaiah 1:17-23, Mathew 19:26, John 14:12-14, Mathew 28:18-20, Hebrews 4:12

We begin with some principal questions:

What is the move of JEHOVAH GOD, Creator of the Universe?

What is JEHOVAH GOD, Creator of the Universe doing in the 21st Century?

What is JEHOVAH GOD, Creator of the Universe saying to the Virtual Church i.e. any Congregation of Believers?


Reality Check of the Menace of Satanic Invasion of the Contemporary Church:

The Lord Christ Jesus is building His Church. There is no “new” thing to be seen, said, or done besides the Resurrection and Restoration at Calvary: The Lord Christ Jesus the Rock is building His Church upon the FOUNDATION of Himself. He is faithfully gathering the Living Stones together and is assembling them into a beautiful structure of gold, silver, and precious stones (I Peter 2:4-9; I Corinthians 3:9-17).

There is nothing wrong with the Genuine Holy Church that The Lord Christ Jesus is building, though there is much to be desired among those who are following their own building programs and blueprints, and calling it “church”. The Good News is that The Lord Christ Jesus is ReMobilising the Saints together into an Enabling Spiritual House of Divine Authority and Power.

The problem is that some things we have come to believe to be “church” are not necessarily JEHOVAH GOD's Church, but 'human-personalised churches'. Although there is nothing wrong with the Holy Spirit Church, everything that is called “Church” is not the “Church”. as The Lord Christ Jesus warned, Synagogues of Satan and False Prophets have emerged and infiltrated the Church, exploitatively parasitising Congregants, who languish in all forms of afflictions, rather than bless them. Some Quotes from The Lord Christ Jesus:

Acts 20: 28-30

28"Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. 29"I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them.…

Mathew 24: 10-12

10"At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. 11"Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. 12"Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.…

Mathew 7: 15, 16

15"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.16"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?…


Let us look at this statement: “I will build My Church.” The first thing that strikes us about the phenomenon labelled "Church” is simply that it is that which The Lord Christ Jesus is building upon the FOUNDATION of Himself. More specifically, the word “church” is “ecclesia”, the Called-out Assembly. It consists of those to whom The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD has chosen to reveal His Son. This revelation of who we are in The Lord Christ Jesus and who Christ is in us is the key. Without this firm FOUNDATION we cannot know, understand or experience being part of the True Holy Spirit-filled FELLOWSHIP.

Quite frankly, our religious head knowledge or carnal affirmation is of virtually no significance. Even the repeating of the so-called “Sinner’s Prayer” means nothing apart from the revelation of The Lord Christ Jesus.

May JEHOVAH GOD, Creator of the Universe, The Alpha and Omega, give us The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of The Lord Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:17-23). Then, our prayer and confession will be based on The Holy Spirit and Truth Revelation; not flesh and blood, second or third generation “knowing” (Matthew 16:17).

The Almighty JEHOVAH GOD's FELLOWSHIP is built upon those who have been given Divine Revelation.

The Lord Christ Jesus builds HIS FELLOWSHIP through Revelation to individuals, the “whosoevers”. What Revelation? The revelation of Himself for the Total Emancipation of Believers as well as the unsaved. This revelation is sufficient to secure us as members of The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD's Church that The Lord Christ Jesus is building.

When one grasps the UNDERSTANDING that Revelation of Divine Assignment & Purpose of Life is the CRITICAL Entry Point, we will cease trying to grow the Church or gain members through better preaching, musical entertainment, handsome facilities, demographic studies and savvy marketing techniques.

Instead, we will simply come to rely upon Divine Revelation for Holistic Divine Enlightenment and trust the Father to reveal the God Son Lord Christ through the Person of The Holy Spirit Who brings illumination to our Hearts. We are the Temple of The Supreme Jehovah GOD, a habitation for Himself, and His Holy Spirit-filled FELLOWSHIP grows as a Living Organism (Ephesians 2:20-22).

The Lord CHRIST Jesus is not building a denomination or founding a movement. The Holy Spirit-filled Church is not denominationalism. It is not a steeple-house or institutional church, but neither is it a Sanctuary - Gathering of the Empowered Brethren of Divine Power - the same Power that raised The Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

Stated simply, The Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus JEHOVAH Fellowship Institutes, of which The Lord CHRIST Jesus is Head, is a HOLY SPIRITUAL Community of living stones, invisible to the naked eye, but clearly seen and known in Spirit. It is not an organisation, but an organism. We Are A FELLOWSHIP of The BRETHREN; Not a Traditional Church!

Who are its FELLOWSHIPPERS? Those who have the Divine Revelation of The Lord CHRIST Jesus.

Where are these FELLOWSHIPPERS to be found? They are scattered in all directions, both inside and outside of Organised Religion across the Continents.

Keith Green once said, “Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald’s makes you a hamburger.” How true this statement has proved to be through the years. But we hasten to say that merely attending a FELLOWSHIP would not make you an Empowered Christian with JEHOVAH GOD'S EXOUSIA AUTHORITY & DUNAMIS POWER either, nor would it grant you the Privileged Indwelling of God The Holy Spirit.