Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus Jehovah | SJGMMCorpus Fellowship & Foundation - Statement on ETHICAL GODLY GIVING, Office of the President, Corpus Jehovah

Post date: Aug 26, 2014 8:17:52 PM

Statement on ETHICAL Giving: The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father of Creation is Our Divine PROVIDER. As such, we Do Not condone Exploitation of any Shape or Form in Fellowship Resource Mobilisation or Fundraising. We are distinctively an Ethical Organisation and intend to remain so. Cheerfully GIVING to Jehovah GOD's Kingdom Works means Free, Joyful Contribution [financial & non-financial] out of one's volition and ability, NOT Coercion, Trickery or Manipulation! Make no mistake, there can be no Blessings from Giving under Duress / Pressure. Giving should be by Conviction and leading by the Holy Spirit ONLY.

The Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus Jehovah | SJGMMCorpus Fellowship & Foundation is commissioned for individual and collective Holy Spirit Revolution through equpping Divine Knowledge, Divine Understanding, Divine Wisdom for Exploits to manifest Total Dominion and Triumph in all apsects of Life for All Christ-believing Children of Jehovah GOD, The Father of Creation.

Some of the Priority Strands of our Commission include true following:

. Holistic Health

• Divine Enlightenment & Education

• Careers - beyond Jobs [Just Over Broke]

• Financial Wealth & Holistic Wealth

• Family, Children & Relationships

Corpus Jehovah is NOT about extorting money from secularly impoverished Saints, nor manipulating, exploiting the vulnerable for selfish ends. As a rule, we DO NOT pressurise Fellowshippers / Saints for money or financial contributions.

As a Fellowship, we believe that the source of our individual and Corporate Provision is the Supreme Jehovah GOD Creator of the Universe Himself and are resource-empowered primarily by Him.

As a principle, we believe Fellowshippers should give towards the Fulfilment of the GREAT Commission FREELY, without cajole, coercion or manipulation, as led by the Holy Spirit. We are minded to emphasize the VALUE of Giving rather than the QUANTITY.

As a Mission, we are crystal-clear that The Supreme Jehovah GOD, The Lord Christ Jesus and The Holy Spirit are Heads of this Fellowship who accord humans the most Precious, Irreplaceable Blessings including Life FREELY and that neither Divine Blessings nor Anointing are for sale.

To these ends, we DISASSOCIATE ourselves from any malpractices contrary to the Holy Scriptures.

All Praise, Honour, Glory, Respect, Worship, Power & Blessings to The Supreme Jehovah GOD Forever for His Blessed Assurance, His Divine Abilities to do Exceedingly & Abundantly above all that we may require and for granting us this Ethical Understanding, Knowledge & Wisdom.


Office of the President,

Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Corpus Jehovah | SJGMMCorpus Fellowship & Foundation