*** Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Institutes | Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Consisting the Institute Against CHRISTOPHOBIA & Religious Persecution

Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Chambers of Excellence | UCHRC Chambers is the Global Citizenship Rights Hub of Corpus JEHOVAH Institutes:

1- Educates about the Divinity / Spirituality of Fundamental Human and Global Citizenship Rights

2- Challenges Institutional Christophobia and ALL Forms of Christian Persecution

3- Works for the Elimination of All Forms of Christophobia

4- Provides Thought Leadership on the Phenomenon of Christophobia and its Rise in the 21st Century

5- Hosts the Institute Against Christophobia and Religious Persecution

6- Promotes the Peace Potential & Benefits of the Christian Faith and other Faiths as critical determinants of the Global Peace Effort

7- Promotes the TRILOGY of the Rule of RIGHTS, the Rule of PEACE and their RESPONSIBILITY as cardinal drivers for a Harmonious Coexistence amongst the Diverse Peoples of the World

Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Chambers of Excellence | UCHRC Chambers is the Global Citizenship Rights Hub of Corpus JEHOVAH Institutes | Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries | Total TRIUMPH Ministries that promotes the Divinity of Fundamental Human Rights which originates from the Creation of Humans as a principally of Spiritual Essence that virtually translates into physicality. As such the Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Chambers of Excellence leads a 21st Century and Beyond Universal Spiritual Human Rights Renaissance to heighten Individual, Collective Consciousness for Reverence, Respect, Compliance, Protection and Defence.

Besides Worldwide Education and Thought Leadership about the Spirituality of Fundamental Human and Global Citizenship Rights, the Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Chambers of Excellence | UCHRC Chambers hosts the Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution which is specifically dedicated to challenging and working for the elimination of Christophobia across spheres of life alongside protestations against other forms of Religious Persecution.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution is a World leading Centre of Excellence that proactively objects to Religious Persecution and promotes Freedom of Religion as a Divine Fundamental Human right, without fear of intimidation or reprisals of any shape or form.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution believes that the Human Being is primarily Spirit, with a Soul that lives in Physical Body. No Human Being exists without his/vital Spirit and a Human Being without the Freedom of Worship is seriously limited. Worse still, a Human Being subjected to direct or indirect Religious Persecution is viciously violated, diminished and enslaved.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution considers therefore that Freedom of Religion is intrinsic and central to the Existence of the Human Person which is only possible in societal environments that are supportive of the unhindered exercise of this vital Fundamental Human Right and protected by Law in facilitating the Spiritual Growth of individuals for the benefit of the larger society.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution considers Freedom of Religion as a Fundamental Human Right which originate from the Supreme JEHOVAH GOD, the Creator of the Universe which was subsequently codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Bill of Rights and other Regional, Continental and National Human Rights Instruments.

As such, The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution strongly holds that Protection Against Religious Persecution is a Civilizational, Citizenship and Human Rights imperative and integral cardinal responsibility of all States and Governments.

Against this backdrop, The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution deems any kind of Religious Persecution as unacceptable, barbaric crime which must be punishable by the Rule of Law and categorically objects to any such form of cruelty.

Unfortunately, tens of millions across the world are subjected to systemic victimisation, discrimination, imprisonment and persecution, not excluding cruel physical mutilations and murders, sometimes with the implications of some agencies of state. Of all, we note that Christians constitute 70% of all victims of Religious Persecution.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution condemns all acts of direct and indirect Religious Persecution as crimes punishable be Law but believes that most of these cruel acts could be avoided through Prevention, Multi-Faith Collaboration, Inter-Faith Awareness and the Promotion of Religious Understanding and Tolerance.

The Corpus JEHOVAH SOVEREIGN TRIUMPH Universal CHRISTIAN HUMAN RIGHTS Commission Chambers of Excellence - UCHRC Chambers | Institute Against Christophobia & Religious Persecution believes that no one should experience Religious Bigotry, Discrimination or Persecution and works towards an International Community devoid of Religious Persecution i.e. perpetrators or victims.