Post date: Feb 26, 2014 11:5:25 AM

Dear Saints,

Last year I started to share the Holy Spiritual Significance of Numbers in Creation and Human Life, and that the history of Divine Creation, Time, Seasons, Years, Months, Days of the Week, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Age, Financial Wealth, from Birth to the Passing of Humans is all shrouded in Scriptural Arithmetic. The Universe and Divine Creation is more than Numbers, quintessentially Quality [Qualitative Substance] but for the attainment of Divine Enlightenment, humans need to grasp the Significance of the imperative of Divine Arithmetic, the Holy Spiritual relevance and implications for Holistic Total Liberation and Triumph as Children and Heirs of The Creator GOD The Father.

Typically, Jehovah GOD gives TIME – an arithmetic phenomenon and one of the most priceless gifts of LIFE Freely, but humans hardly make effective use of it until it begins to slip away, then we go into panic mode of fear which the devil wants. Don’t give any more time to the devil, rather Glorify The Creator GOD with it. Here’s to your Enlightenment Power of Two [2] for February.

”All my life I have loved edges; and the boundary-line that brings one thing sharply against another.”–G.K. Chesterton (Autobiography)

“Limitation as limitation is good. Any limitation makes something, as an outline takes some shape. This is the true and thrilling meaning of the tale of Adam and Eve. God put something forbidden in their garden because without limit things are without form and void. The dark stem of the strange tree threw up all the green and gold. But they clamoured for ‘infinity’… They destroyed the outline of Eden. They ate the one thing that kept everything else sacred. Immediately they had everything and therefore nothing.”–G.K. Chesterton (From the Notebooks of G.K.C, The Tablet, 4 April 1953)

The Binary Scriptural Biblical Worldview:

The Biblical worldview has a binary feature that is expressed in the language of the Biblical writers. This worldview distinguishes the Biblical belief system from Creation. In a dualistic worldview the entities of the binary set are regarded as complementary and equal. This is symbolized by the ying-yang.

In dualism, reality is comprised of opposite but equal principles (male-female, night-day, spirit-matter, heaven-hell, God-man). One entity in the set is no greater than the other. The idea of divine condescension is meaningless in this context, as is the idea of God entering history.

In the binary worldview, the entities are complementary and unequal. One of the entities is regarded as superior to the other in some visible way. This assessment is not subjective, but based on universal experience and empirical observation. Males are larger and stronger than females. The sun is greater than the moon because it gives light whereas the moon merely reflects the sun’s radiance. This is why the sun is portrayed as the “greater” light in Genesis 1:16 and in Christian iconography.

Among the Nilo-Saharan rulers (Kushites and Egyptians), the king was associated with the sun, and appeared with dark skin from sun exposure. It was believed that the sun bestowed strength and supernatural powers. His queen, on the other hand, appeared in public with a covering of white powder. She symbolized the lesser light, the moon. There was an understanding that the moon influenced the female reproductive cycle.

The superiority of the male in the binary worldview is evident in the relationship of the ancient ruler and his queen. In statuary, as Dr. Dan’el Kahn has noted, “the king has a superior position to his female companion. He is depicted in front of his female consort and on a larger scale.” This is not to suggest a value judgment about males and females. It is a representation of both their complementarity and the reality that the male is larger and stronger.

This binary aspect of the Biblical worldview is expressed in terms of fixed boundaries established by God: the waters (firmament) above and the waters below; the dry land and the seas, and male and female. Boundaries, picture frames, focal points, sacred centres, high noon, the mountain peak, binary sets/oppositions, alignment, orientation… these terms have meaning for the artist and the theologian, and for the farmer and the philosopher. The nihilist tends to deny the reality of spatial and temporal distinctions and boundaries. The sceptic doubts their existence. The gay rights advocate proposes instead a gender continuum that imagines oddities that have no basis in reality.

One might as well advocate for the rising of the sun in the West instead of the East. This attempt to sweep away binary distinctions and the biblical worldview is an expression of our fallen nature whereby we resist The Supreme Jehovah GOD The Father out of arrogant hearts. We who are but humble clay push against the boundaries that God has established, imagining ourselves to be gods who can change the fixed order of Divine Creation.

The Holy Scriptural Biblical Number 2, its Duality and Significance for a Triumphant Life of Dominion:

The number two has a great significance in the Holy Bible. Number one stands for unity and stands for no differences but the number two is affirmative of the differences that exist. Thus number two says there is another while number one is for no other. The difference that number two represents may be good or may be bad. This means that good can differ from evil or evil could differ from good. Thus number two has a two-fold significance where relevance is decided within the specifics of context.

It is the first number which can divide any other number. As such, the Number two is a denotation of basic fundamental division.

We have seen that One excludes all difference, and denotes that which is sovereign. But Two affirms that there is a difference – there is another; while One affirms that there is not another! This difference may be for good or for evil. A thing may differ from evil, and be good; or it may differ from good, and be evil. Hence, it takes a Two-fold colouring, according to the context.

It is the first number by which we can divide another, and therefore in all its uses we may trace this fundamental idea of division or difference.

The number two may be, though different in character, yet one as to testimony and friendship. The Second that comes in may be for help and deliverance. But, alas! where man is concerned, this number testifies of his fall, for it more often denotes that difference which implies opposition, enmity, and oppression.

When the earth lay in the chaos which had overwhelmed it (Genesis 1:2), its condition was universal ruin and darkness. The second thing recorded in connection with the Creation was the introduction of a second thing – Light; and immediately there was difference and division, for God DIVIDED the light from the darkness. So the second day had division for its great characteristic (Genesis 1:6). “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it DIVIDE the waters from the waters.” Here we have Division connected with the second day.

This great spiritual significance of the number 2 is maintained throughout the Word of God. Of course we cannot recognize any human arrangements or divisions of books, chapters, or verses, etc. We can take only that division, order, and arrangement which is Divine.

The second of any number of things always bears upon it the stamp of difference, and generally of enmity. Take the second statement in the Bible. The first is “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The second is, “And the earth was [or rather became] without form and void.”

Here the first speaks of perfection and of order. The second of ruin and desolation, which came to pass at some time, and in some way, and for some reason which are not revealed.

How does the number two represent divisions?

Then we have seen that the Book of Genesis is Divinely divided into twelve parts (consisting of an Introduction and eleven Tol’doth). The first of these twelve divisions records the perfection of God’s sovereign work. The second (Genesis 2:4-4:26) contains the account of the Fall; the entrance of a second being – the Enemy – that old Serpent the Devil, introducing discord, and sin, and death. “Enmity” is seen first in this second division. “I will put enmity” (Genesis 3:15). We see a second to God in the Serpent; a second creature in the woman, who was deceived and “in the transgression”; a second man, in the Seed of the woman, the subject of the great primeval promise and prophecy.

The second “Tol’doth” (Genesis 5:1-6:8) begins with the words,

“The book of the generations of Adam.”

While of “the second Man” it is written (Matthew 1:1) “the book of the generation of Jesus Christ.”

If we look at the Pentateuch as a whole, we see, in the First book, Divine sovereignty, but the Second book (Exodus) opens with “the oppression of the enemy.” Here, again, there is “another,” even the Deliverer and the Redeemer, who says, “I am come down to deliver” (Exodus 3:8). To Him the praise is offered in the Song of Moses: “Thou in Thy mercy hast led forth the people which Thou hast redeemed” (Exodus 15:13). And thus Redemption is introduced into the Bible, and mentioned for the first time in this second book, and in connection with the enemy (just as was the first promise of the Redeemer in Genesis 3:15).

The second of the three great divisions of the Old Testament, called Nebiim, or the Prophets (Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2Samuel, 1 and 2Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) contains the record of Israel’s enmity to God, and of God’s controversy with Israel. In the first book (Joshua) we have God’s sovereignty in giving the conquest of the land; while in the second (Judges) we see the rebellion and enmity in the land, leading to departure from God and the oppression of the enemy. Here, again, we have side by side with the enemy the “saviours” whom God raised up to deliver His people.

How is the number 2 significant in the New Testament?

The same symbolism of this number is seen in the New Testament. Wherever there are Two Epistles, the second has some special reference to the enemy.

In 2 Corinthians there is a marked emphasis on the power of the enemy, and the working of Satan (2:11, 11:14, 12:7). In 2Thessalonians we have a special account of the working of Satan in the revelation of “the man of sin” and “the lawless one.” In 2Timothy we see the church in its ruin, as in the first epistle we see it in its rule.

In 2 Peter we have the coming apostasy foretold and described. While in 2John we have the “antichrist” mentioned by this name, and are forbidden to receive into our house any who come with his doctrine. It is impossible even to name the vast number of things which stress the importance of the number 2, so that the one may teach concerning the other by way of contrast or difference.

The Two foundations of Matthew 7:24-27: the one which “fell not, for it was founded upon a rock”; the other which “fell, and great was the fall of it.” The Two goats (Leviticus 16:7); the 2 birds (Leviticus 14:4-7); the 2 opinions (1Kings 18:21); the 2 masters (Matthew 6:24); the 2 commandments (Matthew 22:40); the 2 debtors (Luke 7:41); the 2 covenants (Galatians 4:24); the 2 men (Luke 18:10); the 2 sons (Matthew 21:28, and Luke 15:11, and Galatians 4:22), etc., etc.

The meaning of number 2 found in comparing differences:

How were Abraham and Lot so different? These Two were related as uncle and nephew; both descended from Shem through Terah. Both started together from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran in Mesopotamia (Genesis 11); they both started together from Haran to go into the land of Canaan (Genesis 12:4); and afterwards they both go up together out of Egypt (Genesis 13:1). But soon the difference between the Two was manifested, and “there was a strife” between them. The difference was manifested.

Lot, the second of this pair, lifted up his own eyes and chose his own portion (13:11); while Abram’s portion was chosen for him by God (13:14). Thus they were “separated” (13:11,14).

First, Lot looked and “behold” the plain of Jordan with its cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and it seemed to him “as the garden of the LORD” (Genesis 13:10); then he “chose” this for his portion (13:11); then he “pitched his tent towards Sodom” (13:12); then he “dwelt in Sodom,” and shared in Sodom’s troubles and wars, and lost all the treasure which he had laid up there (14:12). He afterwards “sat in the gate of Sodom” (19:1) and held office there as a judge in spite of his being daily “vexed” with their ungodly words and deeds (2Peter 2:6-9); and finally he escaped from its overthrow, only with his life.

Abram, on the other hand, had his portion with God. He walked by faith; he pitched his tent only where he could build his altar (12:8, 13:3,4); he held communion with God who was his “shield and exceeding great reward” (15:1). Though he was a stranger on earth, he was “the friend of God,” and received the secrets of God’s purposes (Psalm 25:14; Amos 3:7; John 15:15). Truly there was a difference. And this difference was greater in their Two wives. Sarah was a type of the Heavenly Jerusalem (Galatians 4:21-31); while “Lot’s wife” became a pillar of salt, and remains a beacon of warning to be for ever remembered (Luke 17:32).

How were Isaac and Ishmael DIFFERENT?

Isaac and Ishmael are presented together. Here the relationship was nearer, for they were step-brothers. Both were the sons of Abram, Sarah being the mother of Isaac, and Hagar the mother of Ishmael. Though the relationship according to the flesh was nearer than that between Abram and Lot, the difference was morally and spiritually greater. For it is written, “neither because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children: for in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Romans 9:7). Oh! how great was the difference! Isaac, “born after the spirit”; Ishmael, “born after the flesh” (Galatians 4:29,30), and therefore a persecutor. We read of no “just” Ishmael, no “righteous” Ishmael, as we do of Lot. Lot’s descendants were the Moabites and Ammonites, and Ruth from Moab was an ancestress of Jesus. But Ishmael’s posterity were “cast out,” and continue to this day wild and unchained.

How were Jacob and Esau DIFFERENT?

Jacob and Esau are presented together. Here the relationship is still closer. Not only were they the children of the same father (Isaac), but of the same mother (Rebekah). But the spiritual difference is still greater. The enmity was manifested when the babes “struggled together,” being yet unborn (Genesis 25:22). And it is written in the Scriptures of truth, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Malachi 1:2,3; Romans 9:13). Esau was “a fornicator and a profane person,” despising his birthright (Hebrews 12:16,17); while Jacob so loved and prized it that he sinned grievously in grasping it. As the difference is seen in the posterity of Abraham and Lot, Isaac and Ishmael, so here it is still more marked. Israel is God’s glory, the “everlasting nation” (Isaiah 43:12,13, 44:7); while the Edomites were accursed. And of the Amalekites God declared that He would “have war with Amalek from generation to generation” (Exodus 17:16).

Additional commentary on the Biblical Meaning of the number 2:

The number two signifies union, division and verification by witnesses:

The union of husband and wife as one.

The union of Christ and the Church

The unity between the Old and New Testaments.

The witness of God in the Old and New Testaments

God requires a minimum of two witnesses in any trial or dispute. Jesus sent the disciples out to witness and preach the gospel in pairs. The final witnesses of God during the tribulation will be the Two Witnesses, who will give their warnings for an exact number of days.

“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.” (Revelation 11:3)

May you be Blessed with the Biblical Scriptural Enlightened Power of Two. You are Created to Triumph through Divine Enlightenment. Amen.

SJGS KF Mawuvi, President of the Supreme Jehovah GOD Ministries and Missionaries – SJGMM

Ps] This is a synopsis of One of the Several Holistic Enlightenment Publishing Empowerment Assignments in progress so watch out for Monthly Updates