The Tragedy of EASTER | Revisiting the Crucifixion @ Easter 2016 | Rev Dr Koku Foli Adomdza HRH - Chancellor, President & Consultant Fellow, Corpus JEHOVAH TRIUMPH Institutes, Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries

Post date: Mar 21, 2016 12:21:50 AM


We bring you Holy Easter Blessings that culminate into EASTER 2016. Wishing you a Season of Power, Authority, Total Triumph and Peace.

There is no doubt that The Lord Christ Jesus did accomplish HIS Divine Assignment on Earth nearly 2016 years ago. In addition HE fulfilled his Promise of the GIFT of God The Holy Spirit through which Believers are equipped with the DUNAMIS POWER and EXOUSIA Authority for continued Dominion over the devil and the kingdom of evil.

Tragically, some 2016 years after the Sacrifice of Calvary, Christendom is a direct reflection of Seculardom / Satandom where no more than 1% of Christians exercise monopoly over Wellbeing and Economic Power. Worse so, while in Seculardom / Satandom trickles of wealth can be shared to anyone through the floating of shares, there is near absolute concentration of Financial Wealth in the hands of the 1% within Christendom with no sharing, even though it is the Congregants who are the sources of Wealth through ceaseless Tithing, Weekly Offerings and Donations.

Worst still, besides the numerous scandals that have rocked the Church through the infiltration of Satanic Agents of False Prophets in cassocks and bearing the disguise of Christian Clergy Titles, the Majority of Christians are afflicted with cocktails of Ill-health and other forms of wiles of the devil which The Lord Christ Jesus effectively nailed on the cross.

Moreover, after 2016 years since the Total TRIUMPH on Calvary, only 2.2 Billion Global Citizens out of the 7.4 Billion on Planet Earth are Christians. This is after the the Sacrifice of The Lord Christ Jesus and the Gifting of the Believers' Inheritance of The Holy Spirit. Satan and his demons die, sacrifice or get crucified for NO ONE, so how come that Satan still holds two-thirds of Global Citizens captive?

Economically, the whole of Christendom depends financially on Seculardom / Satandom because Christian Entrepreneurialism is minuscule and in most cases non-existent. Over 99% of Christians are employed by Secular, Satanic Institutions on a lifetime of plantation-slave survivalist labour arrangements - and who pays the piper calls the tune!

Economic, Financial and Wellbeing InEQuality in the Church is scandalous, ungodly and un-scriptural.

In the early 21st Century,the persecution of non-combatant Christians is at an all time high where not even prominent Clergy have the audacity to raise a voice, let alone a finger, with abductions, rapes, chilling beheadings as punishment for activities of Secular, Satanic Governments who are known to pass anti-Christian Legislation in their Legislatures. Why should Christians be persecuted for the activities of non-Christian Governments?

Christendom has given away their inheritance of the Christmas, Easter and Pentecost Economies and Economics to Secularist and Secular Economics, settling for mass Spiritual and interest-debt Economic Enslavement in consequence.

What is the Community of Millions of Christian Clergy doing wrong to be so visibly outclassed by Satan and his demons 2016 years after the Resurrection?

It is tragic that in order for the Believer to live the Precious, Priceless Life that was bought with the Sacrificial Life of The Lord Christ Jesus, we have to pay Secularists and Satanists under Secularist and Satanic Laws. Yet the Church preaches that Christians are no longer under Law but Grace. Christians may not be under Ecclesiastical Law but are firmly helplessly under Secular, Satanic Law of the various Jurisprudence and Jurisdictions.

Similarly, the Christian Church cannot operate or congregationally worship The Abba Father without paying-up to the Secular, Satanic Economies and Economics. The Children of the Creator JEHOVAH GOD must pay the Arch Enemies of their Father before exercising the Right of Worship of The I AM That I AM!!!

The Contemporary Christian Church is rendered Spiritually and Economically Powerless to the extent of self-marginalisation from key decision-making process in the Nations of the World - of course, excepting The Vatican.

It would appear on the evidence of the lived conditions of Majority Christians, the infiltration of Christendom by Satanic False Prophets ravenously devouring the Congregants, the affliction of Believers with litany illhealth, infirmities and diseases, the monopoly of Christian Wealth by a tiny minority, the mass impoverishment of Christians etc. etc. that the darkness that eclipsed the Earth when The Lord Christ Jesus passed on Calvary has regrouped and engulfed the World with an even thicker fog of darkness, facilitated by Satanic Cultists disguised as Christian Clergy.

It is a conundrum that the Divine Royal Princes and Princesses of JEHOVAH GOD CREATOR of the Universe cannot even dream of the life quality of Earthly Royalty and Majority Christians can only dream of the life quality of their Clergy!

It is equally a scandalous conundrum that Contemporary Christendom, the Church, Clergy and Christians are dependent upon Secular Satanic Economics and Way of Life as though there are no Viable Alpha Alternatives.

Moreover, the Passivity, Inaction and Acquiescence of Contemporary Christendom, the Church, Clergy and Christians to Secular Satanic Dominion, Misrule and Domination is incomprehensible in the light of their established characteristic UNCHANGEABLE CRISES, INADEQUACIES & INABILITIES.

The foregoing contribute to one reality - the Powerlessness of Contemporary Christendom, Church, Clergy and Christian Congregation which seriously undermine the CALVARY TOTAL TRIUMPH of The Lord Christ Jesus 2016 years ago.

John 10:10 - GOD so loved the world that he gave us HIS only Begotten Son, so that whoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.

Did Christ sacrifice in vain? He bore our sins and afflictions so that we may bear them no more!

There will be no other Sacrificial Crucifixion by another Christ. It is Finished He Declared. Next stop is station JUDGEMENT.

The contemporary Tragedy of EASTER is rectifiable all the same. The point of hope. The 21st Century EASTER Revolution begins from here. Ditch the shallow motivational commedyfarye religiosity that characterize Holy Week and EASTER.

Mathew 5:14 - 16

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

International Chancellery,

Corpus JEHOVAH TRIUMPH Institutes

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Supreme JEHOVAH GOD Ministries & Missionaries