Blasting Effects on structures

Our challenge is to determine IF the vibrations from Quarry blasting affect the safety, structural integrity and value of our homes AND why? what steps should I take? to protect my rights and investment and most importantly my family.

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Blasting being conducted in northwest Miami-Dade County is of tremendous concern to residents of the City because of the effect such activities have on people and property within the City.  Despite the fact that the City banned all blasting within the City in December 1999, the effects of blasting performed by mining companies outside City limits, are being felt within the City.  The regulation of blasting activities in Florida currently falls under the jurisdiction of the State Fire Marshal’s Office (Blasting Brochure).  This webpage provides general information and a summary of the City’s efforts regarding blasting.

Blasting Monitoring Reports click link below               





Miramar Blasting History




In addition to seismograph monitoring the mining operations are required to do by the State, the City conducted independent monitoring of the area from April 2005 to March 2007.  In the two-year period that seismograph monitoring was conducted, over 275 blast events were monitored and all registered under the State limit 0.50PPV.  Only 10 events exceeded the 0.25PPV threshold during the two-year period.

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Nuisance: Party suffers a substantial and unreasonable harm as a result of non-trespassory interference with the use and enjoyment of his property.

Private: Acts can be intentional, negligent or strict liability.

Damages: Money damages



Strict Liability: One who engages in abnormally dangerous activity is strictly liable.

Abnormally Dangerous Activities:

High degree of risk of harm

Gravity of that risk

Appropriate to the place at issue

Value to the community

Eliminate the risk by reasonable care

Matter of common usage

Examples: Look for Blasting, transportation of toxic chemicals, crop dusting and radiation.

Source: Tort Law.