Letter From Kingdom Seneschal June 29, 2020

Greetings unto the Populace of Atlantia,

In the past week, Their Majesties and I have taken council from all of the Baronage and the Great Officers of Atlantia. We have reviewed the information coming from state officials regarding the Covid 19 pandemic and are concerned by the rise in outbreaks in parts of our Kingdom. As the situation continues to be deeply troubling, we studied the options for our Kingdom. As a result, I announce the cancellation of all in-person events and in-person activities (fighter practices, A&S, and meetings etc.) through August 1, 2020. Virtual activities continue to occur and variances for virtual events are available through the Kingdom Seneschal’s office.

We are closely watching the situation, and if possible, we will reopen some activities sooner than August 1. We continue to monitor the pandemic state by state, and remain firm that no in-person Kingdom events will be held until all 5 states and the District of Columbia are open and allow gatherings of 500 or more.

The cancellation of all activities means that no official in-person activities; local practices (all marshal activities and archery), A&S, or meetings, will be allowed in any part of Atlantia. An official activity is one publicized via an SCA website, group elist, SCA social media or to the membership of that group, and conducted in keeping with the SCA purpose and rules. We continue working on information regarding reopening activities and events, and will share the plans soon.

The variance we requested from the Board of Directors for the postponement of Crown Tourney has been renewed for 90 days, until the end of September. If necessary, we will request another variance at that time.

University was a tremendous success and it is exciting to see the expansion of other planned activities online. Our Kingdom continues to provide a blueprint on how to develop communities with Virtual Atlantia.

Our primary concern remains the health and well-being of all Atlantians. Their Majesties and I will continue to make announcements and to review the situation as we go forward.

Duchess Simone

Sarah Toich

Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia