Meeting Notes December 18, 2019

Meeting notes from Dec. 18, 2019

Present: Bryce, Patti, Max, Catheine, Robert, Joe, Kim, Dennis and Sandy

Old Business:

  1. Webminister: Joe is fully warranted and he has submitted his end of the year paperwork.
  2. Parade: Need more flyers for next year. Gave out lots of necklaces with Stickers for contact. Discussed doing other Christmas Parades next year too-Sylva, Bryson, Franklin, Murphy
  3. Our Event: Named Field of Gold. Whoever wins bid, Robert will write check. We have an awesome feast staff on board for the event already. We are waiting on a date and approval of bid.
  4. Fall Event: We would like to work together with Darnell Farms to hold a Fall event with a Vlad the Impaler theme. Max will call Darnell soon.

New Business:

  1. Max asked people to think about who wants to step up into officer positions in Stormwall.
    1. Max’s warrant expires in four months. We will need a new seneschal. Max would like to continue to work with rapier. He expressed the fact that things can work in a back and forth way.
  2. Canton status: In May we may go full Canton status. We must have a chronicler. We have to show quarterly newletters and they need to be posted on the web page. See address below.

Website Address:

  1. Regarding Polling for the Baronage: Robert Stated that all paid SCA members will get a letter with the names of whomever submits a Letter of Intent in our Barony. You can still sent in a vote even if you are not a member. Electronic Polling must be on an opt in basis. You will get a USPS letter. Fionn will be handling the polling for the Baronage. Robert suggested you find out where you are listed as some of us are from different Kingdoms in the past.
  2. FB will announce Letters of Intent for the Baronage. Letters will be collected and membership verified. It is a step by step process.
  3. Once the dates for Birthday are locked down the date of the Investiture will be announced.
  4. One last thing for the good of the order. Robert announce the Haywood Community College will host the American Bladesmith Society event. There will be Flyers, Demos, Warriors of Ash. This will be a good opportunity to show off our stuff. The dates are Marcy 20-22.
  5. There were several A&S related items brought forward;
    1. Persona Workshops
    2. Dance
    3. Beaded Veils
    4. Scrolls
    5. Leatherwork
  6. A Stormwall Collegium was discussed. Dates???
  7. A Thanksgiving Revel for the Barony and Canton was also discussed. The Wheeler’s offered their home for the event. All would be welcome. This will be discussed later.
  8. Robert mentioned that officers will be needed for the Barony.