Arts & Sciences

Welcome to the Arts & Sciences of the Canton of Stormwall, which is a part of the Barony of Hawkwood, Kingdom of Atlantia.

SCA Arts & Sciences are all the crafts, skills, and technologies practiced in the time period and cultures that the SCA covers. The time period would cover the studying and recreating of mainly Medieval European cultures and their histories before the 17th Century, but in today's time you will see cultures of the time period from the America continents through Asia. The Canton Arts & Science Deputy is responsible for fostering the study of period culture and technology, and methods for producing historically accurate artifacts and performances.

Whatever art you find, you are drawn too, or any art or craft you feel that you would enjoy, the Society will have a category for you to participate in. You wish to build your own armor - then yes, you can consider this a submission for the Arts & Sciences. You wish to learn how to bake in medieval fashion? Yes. There are several categories for you.

The Kingdom of Atlantia has an outstanding University system that teaches and supports the Arts throughout the Kingdom and is available to each gentle of the Kingdom multiple times a year.

University of Atlantia website-

Atlantian Arts & Science website -

Canton of Stormwall Arts and Sciences Facebook Page -

You will see Arts and Science competitions at events and through the Kingdom Arts and Sciences each year along with classwork and relevant instruction on how to submit documentation for each submission.

You will also find continued support on the Facebook Platform with specific Artisan pages, pages sponsored by the Kingdom.

Wherever you wish to go in the Arts and Science community we will be there to assist you.

Keep an eye on the Canton calendar where specific classes will be listed where you may try your hand at a specific craft.