Meeting Notes January 9, 2019

Greetings Stormwall,

I have some notes from our meeting on January 9th 2019.

    • There were 10 people in attendance.
    • We looked at having an officer training day to look more at roles, warranting, proper reporting, specific needs for the Canton and check our list for full canton status.
    • We looked a little harder at the idea of archery and unofficial shoots as well. There will be a survey to see what interest there would be in this so please post here and look for the survey.
    • We talked about Greening up the Mountains and prepping for our Demo.
    • Sandy and Dennis will be having an A&S stitch & bitch gathering Saturday, January 26th with a focus on tokens for HWBB and garb. Post here to inquire.
    • Make sure all our advertising is out there so share HWBB and if you have suggestions post here.
    • Work day for making list posts is set for Sunday, January 13th. Post here if you would like to help. Sorry for short notice.

Thank you to all, Maxamilian Brudder