
Sample Housebreaking Schedule

6:00am—Get puppy up and carry to potty area. Say the cue word when puppy starts to go and praise when done. Bring in for a little play (I have my shower at this point since I know they are empty! I either put pup back in crate or bring them into the bathroom with me), eat your b-fast, water/feed/train puppy, play a little more.

7:00am—Puppy back out to potty area until they eliminate.

7:30am—Puppy into crate with safe toy (ie a Kong with a bit of PB rubbed inside) and you to work.

11:00am—Get puppy out of crate and immediately to potty area. Say the cue word when puppy starts to go and praise when done. Water and feed puppy, eat your lunch, have a little play and take pup back outside to potty area about 10 mins before you have to leave.

11:50am—Puppy back in crate with toy.

3:15pm--Get puppy out of crate and immediately to potty area. Say the cue word when puppy starts to go and praise when done. Allow puppy a good drink. Play and train.

4:30pm--Puppy back out to potty area until they eliminate. When done, bring in and keep tethered to you while you get dinner ready etc.

6:00pm—Feed and water puppy. Puppy back out to potty area until they eliminate. Play and train. Pup will eventually get tired and need a nap.

8:00pm(or when pup wakes)—Allow puppy a last drink and take up the water. Puppy back out to potty area until they eliminate. Play and train. Keep pup with you on tether, play for a bit, and then spend some quiet time.

10:00pm—Puppy out to potty area until they eliminate. No vigorous play at this point, as you want them to settle in quietly for the night. Place pup in crate for the night. If pup fusses just give a quiet “No noise—go to sleep.” Do not get into the habit of letting pup out on demand! A very young pup may need to go potty and have a little drink of water in the middle of the night (2 or 3 am) but they should be sleeping 7 hours just fine by the time they are 10 weeks old. Persistent or worried whining may indicate a desperate need to go (tummy upset etc) so be willing to bend there!