Past events
Cornbread. Air conditioning. Good food and good friends. Fresh local veggies, cheese, and more. Intense conversation. Nutella. Singing!
Hot. Sticky. Hurray for fans.
Circle was dark and relatively cool. We triumphed over shame and lots of sexism, claiming strength, pride, and power-from-within. Huzzah!
Potluck was fun! Had we found Feminist Hulk yet, we would have spoken in terms of smashing patriarchy and the class system; instead we demolished them. Two folks just returned from the US Social Forum and brought back reports (very cool!). Stasa lured three new unsuspecting folks to the Altar of Lois via Cordelia and Miles. (Author Lois McMaster Bujold.) Lots of fun and yummy food were had.
Beltane was warm and sticky, but beautiful, with eight people in circle and a houseful at the potluck. There was much delicious, sensuous, and gorgeous food, ranging from home-made chocolate bread pudding, cookies from the High Point Cafe, and the first local strawberries of the season, to tomato pie, several amazing casseroles and noodle salads, maki rolls, and more. Yum! For the first time at a Roses, Too! East Coast Beltane, there were no kids in circle or at the potluck. We missed them! There were, however, numerous kids, and especially teenagers, masquerading as grownups at the potluck. (Nerdfighters!) The things that happen when you have a room full of some combination of Quakers, Witches, librarians, booksellers, Morris dancers, World of Warcraft players, lawyers, academics, counselors, more, and well, just generally silly people... :)