
Please buy books directly from publishers and from local, independent booksellers.

Here are some books that have come up recently in workshops, presentations, and conversations. Enjoy!

Curly Girl: The Handbook.  A Celebration of Curls: How to Cut Them, Care for Them, Love Them, and Set Them Free, by Lorraine Massey and Deborah Chiel

This book completely changed my relationship with my hair.  I don't follow Massey's advice mindlessly, but her guidance has helped me think for myself and has freed me from the tyranny I grew up with from a) the 70s and b) my family.  It's worth it even if you buy it new. 

Original edition:

(New edition, with which I'm not familiar:

Promises to Keep: Crafting Your Own Wedding Ceremony, by Ann Keeler Evans, MDiv.

This book isn't about planning your wedding day -- it's a book about planning your wedding ceremony, so it fits you, what you need, and your community.  I've used it myself, and I've also used it with almost every couple I've helped get married, some Quaker, some not.  (I also tend to give it as an engagement gift.)

A Ring of Endless Light, by Madeleine L'Engle

A Winter Solstice Singing Ritual, by Julie Forest Middleton and Stasa Morgan-Appel

(If I can't tout this one, what can I tout?)

Faith and Practice of North Pacific Yearly Meeting

a gem!  (also, short, sweet, and highly readable)

Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories That Heal, by Rachel Naomi Remen

The American Way of Death Revisited, by Jessica Mitford

Anyone who will ever be involved with a death, or with planning for what to do when someone dies, should read this.  Yes, that's all of us.

The Pagan Book of Living and Dying, by M. Macha NightMare (Aline O'Brien), Starhawk, and the Reclaiming Collective

This is a wonderful resource book

The Weather of the Pacific Northwest, by Cliff Mass

Wonderful weather geekdom; easily understood by us ordinary folks.

Some really interesting theaology I've been reading lately:

The Deities Are Many: a Polytheistic Theology, by Jordan Paper. 

She Who Changes, by Carol Christ

A World Full of Gods, by Michael Greer

Two books about counseling which I love:

First Steps in Counseling, by Pete Sanders

Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New Approaches to Diversity, edited by Courtland C. Lee