Successful Groups & Events

Numerous groups have successfully created fragrance-free events, including on-going weekly, annual, week-end, and week-long events.

Dance groups

Seattle's folk dance community

Boston Gender-Free Contra Dance

Houston Area Traditional Dance Society

Religious and spiritual groups

The Pacific Northwest Quaker Women's Theology Conference

Friends General Conference Gathering

The Mid-Winter Gathering of Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQC)

"In order to make Midwinter Gathering safer for those with chemical sensitivities, we ask that all attenders refrain from using scented personal care and laundry products immediately prior to or during the Gathering. Please note that not all “unscented” products are fragrance-free; avoid products with ingredient lists that include the word fragrance (including botanical fragrance and natural fragrance), or essential oils (e.g. oil of primrose, or sandalwood oil). For your assistance, below is a basic list of fragrance-free products (used without permission). Many of these products are available in ordinary drug stores; others are available from health food stores or online vendors. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

"Please note that although we are asking participants to refrain from wearing or using scented products, [site] is not a fragrance-free facility. See our accessibility page for more information."

"Information for those with chemical sensitivities:

"[site] is not a scent-free facility. Sheets at [site] are laundered by an outside professional service; while we will re-launder sheets for attenders housed in our scent-sensitive housing/bathroom cluster, this may not remove all chemical residue. Furthermore, [site] uses scented cleaning products; while we are negotiating whether they can change to fragrance-free products we do not know if we will be successful. We are also currently exploring the possibility of re-cleaning some areas using scent-free products, but this will not remove the residue of fragrant product. During our recent visit to [site], there was a strong fragrance from the cleaning supplies.

"We are requesting that all Midwinter attenders refrain from using scented personal care and laundry products immediately prior to or during the Gathering; however, we cannot guarantee that all attenders will respect this request."

Friends Meetings

Other Pagan groups, Quaker Meetings, synagogues, and other spiritual and faith communities who want to be accessible have created environments that are more fragrance-free. 

If you know of other groups who have successfully created more fragrance-free environments and events, please let me know