AAN MRM Summary
Summarized from http://www.neurology.org.ezproxy.is.ed.ac.uk/content/70/17/1555.full
Quick-relief treatments effective for pain (did not assess other neurological impairment):
Level B ("probably effective"):
sumatriptan 100 mg
rizatriptan 10 mg
mefenamic acid 500 mg; contraindications for certain patients
Level C ("possibly effective"):
Level I ("Evidence is conflicting or inadequate to support or refute the use of the following medications"):
Short-term preventive treatments:
Level B ("probably effective"):
transdermal estradiol gel 1.5 mg
frovatriptan 2.5 mg BID
naratriptan 1 mg BID
Level I ("Evidence is conflicting or inadequate to support or refute the use of the following medications"):
Due to poorly-designed studies: nimesulide, magnesium, phytoestrogens, naproxen