Monthly Singing of the Lowcountry Sacred Harp

The Wingard Room, Circular Congregational Church, 150 Meeting St, Charleston

Saturday 28 October 2017 from 2 to 4 PM

ATTENDANCE. Stephen (Pres.), Suzanne (Sec.), John, Darleen, Delynne, Joanne, Betty, Lauren, and Nedra and other drop-in guests from Alabama

NOTE: Numbers preceded by S are selections from The Shenandoah Harmony (2012). All others are from The Sacred Harp (Denson Edition, 1991).

We welcomed two new singers: Betty (alto) and Lauren (tenor)

Warm-up: scale up and down, 24 t Singing Exercises

Joanne 123b Cross of Christ. We all sang shapes on alto to help the new alto.

Suzanne 158 Funeral Thought (in the spirit of All Hallows' Eve). A success.

Carol 128 Promised Land. A favorite.

Darlene 50t Mortality. Gets the award for most appropriate for the occasion.

Stephen and Betty together 45 New Brittain.

Lauren 47b Idumea.

John 106 Ecstasy

Josie 107 Russia. We tried it; it went well; and we liked it.

Joanne 178. Why does Joanne like 178 so much? Because it's Africa. Liked by all.


Rob (in absentia) 332 Sons of Sorrow.

Suzanne 459 Tolling Bell. First time. Yes! A keeper for future All Hallows' Eves.

Carol 49b Mear

Nedra 358 Murillo's Lesson.

Darlene 240 Christian Song. This could be good if we resolve to sing it every month.

Stephen S58 Saint's Repose - good enough

John S68 Night of the Grave. Went well.

Josie 144 Jubilee. Went well for a song with lyrics on the side

Closing 357 Brethren Farewell. Glorious.