Eighth Annual Piccolo Spoleto Singing

Wellbrock Hall, The Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul, 126 Coming St., Charleston, SC

Saturday, May 27, 2017 from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM

AN INTRODUCTION to the Sacred Harp tradition was offered by Robert Kelley, who led 49t and 49b for practice.

Selections are from The Sacred Harp, Denson Edition, 1991, as usual.

Class called to order at 10:00 AM by Stephen Jones, leading 24t. Stephen offered the opening prayer.

Robert Kelley 32b

Rob Dillon 38b

Thomas Smith 535

John Gentry 101t

Gene Pinion 36b

David Wilson 276

David Smead 72t

Lisa Bennett 89

Agnes Roberts 294

Joyce Heath 72b

Chandler Thigpen 162

Rachel Mann 87

Tom Ivey 475

Sharon Strong 112

Suzanne Coffman 30b

Cleve Callison 479 19 selections were sung in first set.

RECESS at 10:50

Jenny Callison called the class back to order at 11:00, leading 358.

Stephen Jones 123b

Ariadne Zitsos 82t

Robert Kelley 407

Rob Dillon 547

Ariadne Zitsos 178

Thomas Smith 143

John Gentry 503

Gene Pinion 417

Rob Kelly 312b

David Wilson 313b

David Smead 122

Lisa Bennett 269

Agnes Roberts 59

Joyce Heath 212

Chandler Thigpen 318

Rachel Mann 282

Tom Ivey 528

Sharon Strong 524 19 selections were sung in second set.

LUNCH at Noon

Suzanne Coffman called the class back to order at shortly past 1:00, leading 146.

Tom Ivey 268

Darlene Moak 47b

Sarah Eirich 283

Isaac Iverson 163b

Gene Pinion 121

Cleve Callison 198

Jenny Callison 277

Stephen Jones 254

Robert Kelley 344

Rob Dillon 147t

Thomas Smith 448t

John Gentry 224

Gene Pinion 124

David Wilson 40

David Smead 460 16 selections were sung in third set.

RECESS at 1:50

Lisa Bennett called the class back to order at 2:00, leading 142.

Agnes Roberts 64

Chandler Thigpen 168

Cleve Callison 34b

Sarah Eirich 47t

Joyce Heath 52b

Chandler Thigpen 242

Rachel Mann 229

Tom Ivey 56b

Sharon Strong 340

Suzanne Coffman 354b

Darlene Moak 155

Sarah Eirich 86

Isaac Iverson 128

Stephen Jones 457

Robert Kelley 416

Rob Dillon 45t

Thomas Smith 49b

John Gentry 106

Gene Pinion 549

David Wilson 31t

David Smead 163t 23 selections were sung in fourth set.

Stephen Jones thanked Suzanne Jones for arranging, Delynne Lilly and Sarah Eirich for hospitality, and the intern and volunteer from the Piccolo Spoleto Festival.


Gray Court All-day singing, 9 September 2017.

Monthly singing in Wilmington, last Sundays.

Camp Fasola – Second week in June.

Northern Virginia Two-day singing, Boyce, June 3 – 4.

Monthly singing in Raleigh, fourth Sundays.

Monthly singing in Durham, second Sundays.

Stephen Jones led 347 as the CLOSING song. John Gentry dismissed the class with prayer.

Total attendance was 91: 16 trebles, 11 altos, 12 basses, 38 tenors, 12 observers, and 2 workers.

A total of 77 selections were sung.