Lowcountry Sacred Harp

Here in Charleston, SC, we sing shaped note music from The Sacred Harp, edition 1991, and from The Shenandoah Harmony from 2 until 4 pm each month on the Saturday before the fourth Sunday.  Beginners and visitors are always welcome!  We have extra songbooks for loan.

For our Regular Monthly Singings, see the calendar for specific dates and times for the 2024 - 2025 season.

The Circular Congregational Church graciously continues hosting us each month, providing the lovely "Wingard Room" and courtyard as weather permits.

The Wingard Room is on the second floor of the new wing of Lance Hall at the historic Circular Congregational Church, located at 150 Meeting Street in Charleston.  Lance Hall is the two-story building in the southeastern corner of the churchyard. The Wingard Room is accessed from within the courtyard.  Walk up the exterior stairs or ride the elevator, then walk down the cloister.  Seeing us through the glass walls, you can't miss us.

For a fee, parking is available at the city garage or in the bank parking lot just west of the churchyard.  Enter either lot from Cumberland Street. Note for the city garage:  take the ticket with you.  When you return to the garage, pay for the parking using a credit card in one of the kiosks on the first floor of the garage.


Minutes from singings are posted.

12th Annual All-Day Singing on Saturday 25 May 2024: 

Annual Singings here to stay in Charleston!  Although we have not been part of the Piccolo Spoleto Arts Festival, our regularly scheduled singing still falls during the Spoleto season. The location has been for the last three annual singings in the parish hall of St. Philip's Church at 142 Church Street, which is at the intersection of Church and Cumberland.

We have observed the traditional schedule of a lesson for beginners at 9:30am, the first session from 10am until noon, pot-luck "Dinner On the Grounds" from noon until 1 pm, and the second session from 1 pm until 3 pm.  (Nearly) All singing are from The Sacred Harp (1991).  A singing from the Shenandoah Harmony may planned for Sunday in the future.

Local and distant participants have contributed food for the Pot Luck Dinner On the Grounds.  The Savannah Sacred Harp Singers contributed loaner books.

We thank the clergy and staff of Saint Philip's for opening their doors to us to allow our voices to ring in the beautiful space.  I especially thank organist and choir master Chris Walchesky for staying with us the entire day.

For some photographs from this singing, follow this link to Google Photos.

For some more photographs from our 2023 annual singing at Saint Philip's Church, follow this link.

For some photographs from our 2018 singing at the John Wesley United Methodist Church, follow this link.

For more information:

You may contact me, Stephen, by email to ss_jones "at" bellsouth "dot" net or to ssj29403 "at" gmail "dot" com.

Also see us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/events/978754752331799/

For more shape note singing within driving distance, consider the Savannah Sacred Harp Singers who meet at the Whitefield Center, 106 East 37th Street, Savannah, Georgia, from 1 to 3 pm on the Saturday before the second Sunday of each month..

In North Carolina, our friends in the "triangle" sing in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill monthly.


Much more information about The Sacred Harp and shape note singing in general is available at the Sacred Harp Musical Heritage Association.

Older but still valid information about the Lowcountry Sacred Harp is at Tom's site:  http://iveyt.people.cofc.edu/Shapenote/default.html


Audio Recording:

For a sample, I offer this recording of us singing "Lloyd" 503b on 28 January 2017 in the Sharpe Room of Lance Hall at the Circular Congregational Church.