Updates Monday, June 4
Post date: Jun 5, 2018 3:03:47 AM
A few updates and reminders for this week:
-Today was a hot one (90 degrees!) and the rest of the week is going to be just as hot. Please be sure to send your child to practice with a water bottle, sunscreen, and proper running attire so we can all stay safe. We have been filling and refilling our two water jugs to make sure our athletes are staying hydrated.
- Please do not use the bus lane. Many parents are still using the bus lane daily to both pick up and drop off students. There are parking lots available along with an official student drop-off area; please utilize these areas instead of the bus lane. Just today, a bus came through and there was a car in the way. This request is coming from the RFSD Transportation Department. I'm hoping to preserve our right to rent and use the facilities at the high school, and that means we need to honor their request. Thank you for your help with this!
-Uniforms, t-shirts and track bags are available. Please let your athlete know that I will pass these out at the end of practice every day.
- If your athlete is planning to compete in the State Junior Olympic Track Meet in Denver the weekend of June 22-24, you will want to start the process of getting a USATF number and registering for the meet (Please see my email from last week- in this thread- for specific directions).