Quilting Sept 8

Post date: Sep 9, 2015 12:06:14 PM

Dear Son's Chapel Volunteers,

It is autumn/fall, but still really "hot", and we were ALL so busy that we had to even be reminded that it was lunch time! What does that say about our 22 dedicated and energetic sewing bees/quilters/stitchers!? We know its fall, for Starbucks is featuring its "pumpkin-spice" flavor, even now using real pumpkin. And football season has begun with the U of AR victory 48/13! Woo! Pig! Sooie... Razorbacks!

THANKS and congratulations to J and S, with help from D J, E, J for the Martha Stewart American Made nomination of our Son's Chapel quilts!!!! WOW! How exciting! MORE info to come as for our comments... and HOPEFULLY voting..., as we discussed at lunch.

SHOW and TELL: Nona brought a treasured/vintage "New York Beauty" quilt! DJ sewed 3 pair of tiny/little baby shoes, white dress/tie-ups, moccasins, and red cowboy boots, a "kit" from the 60s, and which she tried to convince us as vintage! She also had a book of photos from her granddaughter's wedding. S M. had an "old" newspaper photo of Son's Chapel quilts, but regretfully no date.

QUILT NEWS: DJ has the "fund-raiser" Calendar Quilt tickets available. This week: 3 quilts were bound and finished - frogs, horses, sea animals; 2 were marked; 3 sandwiched - with M and N taking a "Ring..."and N the "Humpty..."; and 2 new tops sewn - "Humpty...:" and printed animals. M and N quilted 2 quilts at home. R finished cross-stitch/Sunbonnet Babies. Two quilts were sold and 2 ordered.

TRIVIA: (1) President Grover Cleveland was the fonder Labor Day, as an official national holiday in 1887. (2) It honors the American Labor Movement and their contributions to the strength, prosperity and well-being of America. (3) NASCAR Races start on Labor Day, as well as the beginning of the football season.

OZARK QUILT FAIR at Shiloh, Sat., September 12, 10:00 - 2:00. See you there...