Sept 9th Quilting

Post date: Sep 12, 2014 1:08:40 PM

Dear Quilters,

Did you HEAR the resounding sound of the "HAROLD TRUMPETS" acclaiming the RECORD/BANNER Alleluia for today's 26 quilters/stitchers! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU one and all!!!!! "You made my day!", quoting Clint Eastwood. J's "tall watermelon tale" came to fruition with P bringing us half of the big, delicious, sweet, home-grown watermelon. "Taste and see... Taste and see..." Thanks P. YUM! YUM! Good! Thanks to P for donating the Dry Erase Board which will keep reminder notes and things to do. A Grandparents' Day gift of beautiful, pink roses decorated our lunch table.

It certainly was a productive week... Like the cliché, "Many hands make light work!" A whirl-wind of activity, of 6 quilts done and out of the frames, with the extra "make-up" session on Thursday (7 quilters), plus S and M quilting at home; the big, black bear quilt is in the frame; and 3 quilts are "sandwiched" and ready for quilting. D J said that she wanted the quilts from the left-hand rod (the quilt tops) moved to the right-hand rod (finished quilts)?!?!? DUH! Had to draw me a picture... To realize her goal of finished baby quilts!

We had several visitors today: D. C. came to check on her Charlie Brown quilt; M H brought a quilt in for repairs; and A C wants to hand-quilt. A brought beautiful, treasured quilts and squares all hand-sewn by her grandmother; a "postage-stamp" quilt top she wants quilted; and treats (or bribe) of 25 bagels with cream cheese to share! Thank you A and we welcome you to Son's Chapel Quilters.

37th Annual Ozark Quilt Fair is Saturday, 10:00 - 2:00 - Shiloh Museum

Lots to SEW! Lots to DO! We need YOU!