Quilting November 24th

Post date: Nov 25, 2015 11:14:00 PM

Dear Son's Chapel Volunteers,

A heartfelt a THANK YOU to the 15 dedicated quilters/stitchers who took time today to volunteer, prior to all the frantic preparation of Thanksgiving dinner to share with family/friends. We were ALL "a sit 'n sew 'n" even with lots of other activity; T displaying our donated CASA Christmas gifts and M assembling the new shelving units. In spite of the noise and disarray, you continued on as "busy sewing bees," "keeping focused," and "keeping your nose to the grindstone!"

D H had homework last week, returning today with the animal squares all embroidered! WOW! Sorry, she was omitted in last week's news, as her name wasn't yet on the list! K J-M was a guest of B. She ambitiously delved into embroidering. B brought her Aunt N, who's visiting for Thanksgiving.

Our lunchtime discussion was about "contract quilting" of BIG quilts; the question was preempted by a "walk-in" for 3 big quilts to be quilted. You'll be amused by her saying, "NO RUSH! I don't need them before Christmas!" Others (some "in-house") have also queried about wanting BIG quilts quilted. Further discussion is needed, especially considering TIME and pricing, with ALL to be involved in the decision, "TO QUILT... or NOT TO QUILT...IS THE QUESTION?", since our Son's Chapel mission is "Hand-quilted baby quilts"!

"Who 'll be cooking Thanksgiving Dinner?" was a devious question. With answers from many. Others will be preparing side-dishes and pies to make, bake and take... NOW we know the choices as "party-crashers!" ha! ha! OR maybe, like the movie, "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?", (the 1967 American comedy/drama/ romance classic).

QUILT NEWS: Two quilts were bound - Bugs/Jar and J's bear squares (from previous yr). Three quilts were sold; including the BIG, wedding quilt with A M generously adding an extra $200 for all our work and labors. D J's earlier challenge, "To move the quilts from the left-side rack to the right-side"?!?!?!? Move over? Move on... Move away. Move somewhere-else? The act of moving? A movement? (Initially/naively, the MOVE was perplexing and NOT interpreted/construed as finished/quilted!) But the move will come to fruition, with the 5 quilts in frames/in-progress, for ALL quilts will be quilted/MOVE, having a year-end inventory of 21 completed quilts: 17 baby quilts, the raffle "Calender Quilt", and 3 breast cancer quilts. What a fantastic, record-breaking year! As said before "Can't spell success without U (YOU)! Thank YOU!!!!!

Be sure to check out the new shelves and nicely organized fabric boxes, thanks to M's ingenuity and WORK! We will be returning to the Chapel after lunch next week, p~l~e~a~s~e, with just 2 more quilting days left for the year. So the count-down of 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... more quilts to finish!

On this special day of THANKSGIVING, I can think of at least a dozen, extra-ordinary, bountiful blessings:

Time, talents and treasures, past, present and future.

Hope, health and the promise of happiness in my life/heart.

Autumn's colorful foliage to lift my spirits.

Neighborly, caring and thoughtful friends.

Kindness, doing unto others.

Sacred places of serenity for prayer and worship.

Golden hours and loving times with family/friends.

Innocent children to nurture, treasure and love.

Visions of success, with a long-lasting and productive life.

Independence, freedom, pursuit of happiness, our inalienable rights.

Never-ending patience and perseverance.

God's Blessing, protection, forgiveness and PEACE.

*adapted from Someone Cares by Faye Field.

While the turkey is cooking,

may you find time to list your "Thanks-giving."