Quilting - Feb 3, 2015

Post date: Feb 8, 2015 12:57:14 AM

Sorry about being “a day late and a dollar short…” (oops… more like 3 days now) but this actually is MY 3rd attempt! NO! It’s not me! tee! hee! After 3 pages of text, guess the computer just QUILT, maybe toooo old, tooo tired, as are we!?!?! I pressed send and ALL disappeared into cyber-space. The disgust and anger of seeing a blank screen and “Internal Error” message! Frustrated YES! Determined TOO! I VOW to master this #%$^&*()(&*^%$% computer and WIN the battle! “I shall over C~O~M~E~…”

Quilting - February 3, 2015

Dear Son’s Chapel Volunteers,

Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and Welcome Back to Son’s Chapel, our 1st Tuesday Quilting day of 2015! Glad we all were “SURVIVORS” from our long, winter hiatus (with most keeping healthy). And what a fantastic start to the New Year with 22 Volunteers present! We were all busy bees, getting back together, a buzzing with news, to start another year of endless stitching!

NOW, “Just HOW do I begin to tell the story…” and/or stories… of these past two months?!?!!? So just well be listing responses of the “significant happenings” of respite, R&R, holiday celebrations, family, travels, etc. Starting with ABCD…EFG… wHo did What? “On your mark… Get Ready… Get set… GO!” and we’re off and running: A earns the title of “Buying the MOST quilts for the year!” God bless her generosity and enthusiasm! And remember white quilt top made by her grandmother, with postage stamp sized squares, she brought in for “show & tell“? WELL, she’s begin hand-quilting an X in each tiny square, with S helping her get it sandwiched and in the frame. WOW! What an ambitious project as her FIRST, solo venture at hand-quilting! GOOD luck! A is working on her TIE quilt! No, NOT tying a quilt, NOT tie-dyed, NOT a quilt from Thailand, nor tying one on…, but designing/sewing a quilt with men‘s ties! Will be anxious to see her finished TIE quilt! D J brought a shawl she’s knitted, brightly colored lime/aqua, with an intricate design of boy/girl figures! Hope you all got to see and admire her work! M wrote and sent HUGS to all! YES! She is still quilting and has entered a baby quilt in the County Fair! Naturally she got a BLUE RIBBON! NO, not Pabst Blue Ribbon. It is a “whole cloth” quilt, with a medallion center, and 2” half-squares on the point. Asked her to take a photo for us to see. S sent a thank you note and photo of the Son’s Chapel Quilt. Hope you got to see the photo, since M finished and mailed the quilt from Florida. S’s granddaughter loves the black bear quilt, a Christmas gift! S even found an appropriate plaque, “People who sleep under quilts are covered in love.” S M. brought in two, really VINTAGE quilts to share, both made by grandmothers; one had the tiniest quilting stitches, couldn’t even begin to count the stitches per inch; and the other was a pieced quilt with all irregular shapes, fabrics, designs actually sewn/pieced together during the pregnancy of S's husband in 1852. And each seam is embroidered with a “feather” stitch. Have asked her to bring it again for all to see!

“That’s all she wrote…”

hopefully got MOST of your responses correct! NOT bad for elaborating from a very measly half-page of notes! But than again maybe MUCH to verbose?!?!? Remember, YOU DID unanimously support the continuation of these Tuesday, quilting recaps!!!!!! If there are errors or omissions, please let me know, and will make corrections next week!Son’s Chapel 2014 Quilt Report

*50 quilts completed

(including the BIG wedding, 2 pansy and Big black bear quilts) *45 quilts sold (35 of 2014 and 10 from prior years) *Income $3,832.50 (a record) *15 finished quilts/*18 quilt tops left *34 Volunteers/*3,5000 Volunteer Hours (Actual hrs for 48 days working at the Chapel and Shiloh. Does NOT include any embroidery, sewing or binding time done at home.)

N again receives the near “Perfect Attendance” Award, having only missed one Tuesday. She’s really and truly dedicated to the Chapel! Also, she finished the 4 last quilts at home; she must have stitched all through the holidays! Thank you, N!

E and S finished the LSU quilt. E said she had fun doing the quilt and is very proud, and rightly so! Great job and really a unique design with the special fabric.

The embroiderers showed up in their “TRUE COLORS” today, with arms full of all the embroidering they’d also done, working thru our winter hiatus, to complete centers and squares for TWELVE quilts: Dogs and bear/box by B; sea animals by M; “Ring of Animals” by G; “Sun Bonnet Sue” by J; 2 sets of Razorback HOGS by L; 2 sets of wild animals by B and M E; and 3 sets of “All Creatures Great/Small” by J, M and S!!!!! Thanks for all that stitching! In January, 15 new quilt tops were sewn, with 2 already ordered today! So we’re off to a great start for the year…


The Budget Committee set the 2015 Quilt Income @ $3,300 and the 75th Anniversary is May 30th, so we have LOTS of work to do… We will need all of you… R