A list of basic computer skills
This is a list of basic computer skills. A more comprehensive orientation highlighting Microsoft Windows only is in PCs for Dummies.
hardware pieces: motherboard, hard drive, video card, power supply & limits placed on video and hard drives by watts,
CPU, memory, fans, DVD drive, Molex connector male and female, PATA (IDE) and SATA
volts, amps, how to measure +5 and +12 Volt supplies with a meter
consequence of leaving a meter set for amps
static discharge (ESD)
remember more by making a journal about what you learn
motherboard user manual on DVD
user manuals obtained through web sites
user name vs. password
single click, double click, right click
drawing tablet as a mouse, especially to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome
slots on the motherboard
PCI, PCI-e, DDR3 memory
how to mount a second HDD
PC vs. Apple vs. tablet
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Apple OS-X, cell-phone OS
how similar
how different
Linux is free!
open systems
Windows is plagued by viruses, hackers, & identity theft
Augusta Linux User Group
dual booting
Windows full-retail version, OEM version, and upgrade
field trip to Staples to see Windows versions, also video cards, power supplies, networking
keyboard and mouse by PS/2 vs. USB
Multiple keyboard & mouse are possible with USB
monitor by CRT display, LCD display, or TV
HDMI, VGA, DVI connectors
an economical hardware source: Cyberguys catalog
USB memory
see file systems on System Monitor (Linux)
single hard drive vs. JBOD vs. RAID
what is a hard drive crash?
what is inside a hard drive?
what is latency?
units of time: second, ms, us (microsecond)
but the memory chips wear out when you write to them too much
programs are run in the CPU
BIOS as a program but it doesn't come from the hard drive
identify the BIOS chip
keyboard keys to get into BIOS, at boot time
Operating System as a program
utility programs, especially Linux
productivity suites
antivirus program
powers of ten when we talk about hard drive size
byte: bits in a byte, characters in a byte, bytes in a document
kByte, MByte, GByte, TByte
RAID=redundant array of inexpensive drives
RAID advantages
speed by "striping"
fault tolerance by "mirroring"
RAID levels 0, 1, 10, 5, 6
RAID is not backup
how to get RAID
controller card (PCI or PCI-enhanced)
software RAID (motherboard, ZFS, mdadm, Windows 8 Storage Spaces)
software RAID can set up many RAID partitions on two or more HDD, even a mix of striping and mirroring
Linux "terminal"
how Linux and Unix get flexible but complicated--a career computer expert needs to use Terminal
Terminal on Windows through Run and cmd
used to get Internet to a computer
used for file sharing
used for printer sharing
cable modem
this list is on web site https://sites.google.com/site/solderandcircuits/home/the-networking-stack/a-list-of-basic-computer-skills-1
updated Aug 17, 2013
For an orientation to motherboards, http://home.earthlink.net/~johnenge/pchrdwr/1363term.htm . But it dates from 2006.