JTubespeech-ASV: Japanese speech corpus for automatic speaker verification / 日本語話者照合用コーパス
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Description / 内容
This is a speech corpus for automatic speaker verification, mainly Japanese speech, collected from YouTube videos. The corpus specifications are as follows.
Duration: 484 hours(subset: 245 hours)
Sampling frequency: 16 kHz
Audio format: mp3
File name format:
train data: `{speaker ID}_{utterance ID}`.mp3
test data: `{enrollment speaker ID}_{session ID}_{utterance ID}`.mp3
`{speaker ID}` are assigned as three alphabets, e.g., AAA.
`{session ID}` are assigned as three alphabets, e.g., AAA.
`{utterance ID}` are assigned as eight alphabets, e.g., 2j8h8Hci
Speakers: 1792 speakers (subset: 979)
時間長: 484 時間(サブセット:245 時間)
サンプリング周波数: 16 kHz
オーディオフォーマット: mp3
学習データ: `{speaker ID}_{utterance ID}`.mp3
テストデータ: `{enrollment speaker ID}_{session ID}_{utterance ID}`.mp3
`{speaker ID}` は3文字のアルファベット
`{session ID}` は3文字のアルファベット
`{utterance ID}` は8文字のアルファベット
話者数: 1792 名 (サブセット:979 名)
License / ライセンス
Research and development purpose only. (tentative. This will be subject to change.)
Contributors / 作成者
Paper / 論文
塩田 さやか,永森 輝,若松 智花,高道 慎之介,"JTubeSpeech-ASV: YouTube から構築された話者照合のための日本語を主とした音声コーパス," 情報処理学会研究報告, Jun. 2023.
Shinnosuke Takamichi, Ludwig Kürzinger, Takaaki Saeki, Sayaka Shiota, Shinji Watanabe, "JTubeSpeech: corpus of Japanese speech collected from YouTube for speech recognition and speaker verification," arXiv 2112.09323, Dec. 2021.
Acknowledgement / 謝辞
JSPS科研費 22H03639